Assignment 3: Iterative MapReduce

In this assignment, you'll be using the Daytona system. Daytona extends MapReduce with an iterative capability that allows efficient evaluation of more complex analytics that require a repeating sequence of MapReduce jobs until some termination condition is met. note: If you do not have access to a Windows machine, you can launch one on AWS and connect remotely. Download the Daytona project from

Part 1: Set up Azure

    Get a free storage account at (90 day trial)
  1. Go to and login
  2. Create a new storage account
  3. Get the primary and secondary access keys of this account
  4. Create a new Hosted Service
  5. Publish and deploy service using windows azure management portal
  6. [no need to use visual studio]
  7. Verify that hosted service is ready
  8. Please refer to Daytona - Deployment guide.pdf in the documentation for details on specific steps.

Part 2: Set up Dev Environment

  1. Install free Visual Studio Express 2010 (Visual C#)
  2. Modify app.config. Replace the words 'SomeAccount' and 'SomeKey' with values from your account.

  3. <!--Replace 'SomeAccount' and 'SomeKey' with valid values before running the sample.>
    <add key="MasterConnectionString" value="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=SomeAccount;AccountKey=SomeKey"/>
    <add key="StorageConnectionString" value="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=SomeAccount;AccountKey=SomeKey"/>

    MasterConnectionString: This should be the same as the storage account used by the Daytona runtime deployment.

    StorageConnectionString: This should be the storage account intended for uploading the input dataset and writing the output of the job(s) as well as the final result. It can be the same as the MasterConnectionString if both accounts belong to the current user. This value is automatically set as the value of the controller parameter StorageAccountString by 'MapReduceClient' which looks for this specific key in the 'appSettings' and sends it as a controller argument irrespective of whether the user has specified any controller arguments or not.

  4. Compile the sample app. You may face issues related to references. The mapreduce related references are in the 'binaries' folder.
    MapReduce related references: Go to the menu item "Project-> Add Reference" in visual Studio. Browse to the 'Binaries' folder on your machine that had been installed in your Daytona directory add 'Research.MapReduce.Core.dll' and 'Research.MapReduce.Library.dll' to add the missing daytona references.
    'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storageclient.dll' can be added in a similar fashion, if the corresponding reference is missing.
    Other references (if missing) can be added from "Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\" in the programFiles directory.
  5. Run and submit sample app

To turn in: the output that is printed by running the program.

Part 3: Performance Experiments

Read K-means algorithm users guide. DataSet: Here , instead of the sampleinput in the resources, we will be using the following dataset. The columns are (reference: Select two numeric columns(PE, CHLSmall) that can be used in the sample program. Make appropriate changes in the code to use these columns and also the change related to the new sample input data. You may have to refer to documentation for CloudBlobContainer and CloudBlob from msdn. For the column name changes, please make changes as required by the code. other changes:
  1. Set the maximum iterations to 6.
  2. In the part of code that random picks initial clusters by sampling the input dataset, set the seed of the math.random function to 10 (Instead of default)

Run performance experiment, varying the number of mappers (20,40,60, 100,120). Note: This may take several minutes to run. To save time, you can remove the Math.sqrt function in MethodExtensions.cs.

To Turn In: output of the program in one case and a plot showing # of mappers on the x-axis,runtime(in seconds) on the y-axis.

Part 4 (Optional): 3D K-Means

This will be similar to part 3, but we will be using 3 columns instead of two. Change the code to compute 3D distance. The columns to be used are "FSCsmall, PE, CHLsmall". Change the code to use these columns and follow part 3. You'll need to change the distance function calculation in particular.

To Turn In: output of the program in one case and a plot showing # of mappers on the x-axis,runtime(in seconds) on the y-axis.

To Turn In: a plot showing # of mappers on the x-axis,runtime(in seconds) on the y-axis.