Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany
How do I apply?If you are a student or a postdoc and want to attend this summer school, send your application to Include your CV a short essay of why you are interested in the material. The deadline for applications is June 30 but we will notify you of acceptance a few days after your application arrives. This summer school is supported in part by a travel grant from COST Action IC0901: Rich-Model Toolkit - An Infrastructure for Reliable Computer Systems. |
LogisticsThe summer school will accommodate 25 students. Students will share double rooms. The cost of room and board will be 225EUR for the 5-day school.Students are expected to arrive on Sunday, Aug 7, evening. The school will end with lunch on Friday Aug 12. The official Dagstuhl web page for this summer school. |
Program Synthesis is a Game Barbara Jobstmann , Verimag, CNRS |
SAT and SMT for Synthesis Vijay Ganesh, MIT Abstract and bio. Slides for lecture 1 and lecture 2. |
Functional Synthesis via Quantifier Elimination and Theorem Proving Viktor Kuncak, EPFL abstract and bio, slides for lecture 1 and lecture 2. |
and synthesis by program derivation Johann Schumann, SGT, Inc. NASA Ames abstract and bio. slides 1, slides 2, slides 3, Autobayes how-to, excercises. |
Constraint-based synthesis with Sketch Armando Solar-Lezama, MIT abstract and bio, lecture 1, lecture 2, lecture 3, online demo, |
Synthesis and Abstract Interpretation Eran Yahav, Technion |
Miscellaneous Ras Bodik, UC Berkeley abstract and bio, school opening, lecture, closing brainstorming. |
Program Synthesis is a GameAutomatically constructing a program from a specification can be seen as a game between two players: (i) the environment and (ii) the program. The environment chooses the input values on which the program is executed. The program chooses how to use these values to produce output values that are correct with respect to a given specification. The goal of the program is to compute correct output values for all allowed input values. So, no matter how the environment plays (i.e., which input values it provides to the program), the results will always satisfy the given specification.The structure and the duration of the game depends on the given specification and on the program we are aiming for. E.g., if we aim for a sequential program that takes integer values as inputs and returns integer values as outputs, then the synthesis has two steps. In Step 1, the environment picks an input value, in Step 2, the program picks an output value. However, in each step there are infinitely many options from which the players can choose. Alternatively, we can ask to construct a reactive program (e.g., a user interface or implementations of a communication protocol). Such programs run forever and continuously react to their environments, i.e., they regularly read new inputs values. A play in the corresponding synthesis game has infinitely many steps in which the environment and the program pick input and output values, respectively. A usually assumption for games with infinite duration is that each player has only a finite set of possible values to choose from. The branch of program synthesis dealing with programs with finite memory but infinite durations is called reactive program synthesis and is the focus of this lecture. The lecture is split into three parts. The first part gives an introduction to automata and automata-based game theory, the underlying techniques used in reactive program synthesis. In this part, I will also introduce the logic LTL (Linear-Time Temporal Logic), which provides a convenient way to describe the desired behavior of a reactive program. The second part of the lecture is devoted to classical program synthesis and repair techniques of reactive programs with respect to a given LTL specification. The third part of the lecture introduces recently developed and quite efficient synthesis techniques as well as extensions to more non-standard techniques as quantitative synthesis. |
![]() Her research focuses on developing game theory techniques and applying
them to the problem of constructing correct and reliable computer systems. In
particular, she used games to automatically construct, correct, and analyse computer systems and their specifications. Lately
she is working on combined qualitative and quantitative specifications to
construct systems that are correct and optimal. She is co-chairing MEMOCODE 2011, the ACM/IEEE Ninth International
Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign.
She is leading the Working Group 4 on high-level synthesis within the
European research network “Rich-Model Toolkit - An Infrastructure for
Reliable Computer Systems” (COST Action IC0901). |
From SAT to SMTIn the last decade SAT/SMT solvers have seen an amazing improvement in efficiency and expressive power. The result has essentially been a dramatic rise in the use of SAT/SMT solvers in many areas of software engineering research such formal methods, program analysis and testing. It is safe to say that SAT/SMT solving is a disruptive technology. Irrespective of one's strategic frame of thought in the context of software reliability research, SAT/SMT solvers are an indispensable tactic.In this series of talks, I will present the key technical ideas (developed by many researchers including myself) behind the success of SAT/SMT solvers, a description of some applications, some historical perspective, and future directions. |
![]() His primary research interests are SAT/SMT solvers, and their applications to software reliability, computer security and biology. He works on both the theory and practice of solvers. He has designed and implemented several solvers, most notably, STP and HAMPI. STP was one of the first solvers to enable an exciting new testing technique called systematic dynamic testing (or concolic testing). STP has been used in more than 100 research projects relating to software reliability and computer security. More recently he designed another solver, HAMPI, aimed at solving string constraints generated by the analysis of PHP, JavaScript and Perl programs. His paper on HAMPI won the ACM Distinguished Paper Award in 2009. STP was the winner of the SMTCOMP competition for bit-vector solvers in 2006 and 2010. |
Functional Synthesis via Quantifier Elimination and Theorem ProvingTo integrate synthesis into programming languages, software synthesis algorithms should ideally behave in a predictable way: they should succeed for a well-defined class of specifications. Moreover, software synthesis algorithms should support unbounded data types of programming languages, including numbers and data structures. I describe how to systematically generalize decision procedures into synthesis procedures, and use them to compile implicitly specified computations embedded inside functional and imperative programs. Synthesis procedures are predictable because they are guaranteed to find code that satisfies the specification whenever such code exists. To illustrate our method, I derive synthesis procedures by extending quantifier elimination algorithms for integer arithmetic and set data structures. I then show that an implementation of such synthesis procedures can extend a compiler to support implicit value definitions and advanced pattern matching. |
Schema-based program Synthesis and the AutoBayes systemThis lecture will combine theoretical background of schema based program synthesis with the hands-on study of a powerful, open-source program synthesis system (AutoBayes). Schema-based program synthesis is a popular approach toward program synthesis. The lecture will provide an introduction into this topic and discuss how this technology can be used to generate customized algorithms. The synthesis of advanced numerical algorithms requires the availability of a powerful symbolic (algebra) system. Its task is to symbolically solve equations, simplify expressions, or to symbolically calculate derivatives (among others) such that the synthesized algorithms become as efficient as possible. We will discuss the use and importance of the symbolic system for synthesis. Any synthesis system is a large and complex piece of code. In this lecture, we will study Autobayes in detail. AutoBayes has been developed at NASA Ames and has been made open source. It takes a compact statistical specification and generates a customized data analysis algorithm (in C/C++) from it. AutoBayes is written in SWI Prolog and many concepts from rewriting, logic, functional, and symbolic programming. We will discuss the system architecture, the schema libary and the extensive support infra-structure. Practical hands-on experiments and exercises will enable the student to get insight into a realistic program synthesis system and provides knowledge to use, modify, and extend Autobayes. An extensive AutoBayes Users Manual can be found here. |
Constraint-based synthesis with SketchThis talk introduces an approach to synthesis based on combinatorial search of a space of candidate programs guided by a set of constraints on the shape and the behavior of the desired solution. In this paradigm, the user describes a space of candidate implementations by writing a partial program, a "program with holes" which leaves unspecified those parts of the program that are too complex or error-prone to write by hand. The partial program imposes constraints on the structure of the desired solution, allowing the user to take control over certain parts of the implementation while leaving others in the hands of the synthesizer. In addition to the partial program, the user provides a set of constraints on the behavior of the desired solution. These constraints can range from simple assertions in the code, to unit tests, to reference implementations whose behavior must be emulated by the synthesized code. The role of the synthesizer is to combine the behavioral constraints with the structural constraints imposed by the partial program, and to produce an implementation that is consistent with both. The lecture will describe the constraint-based synthesis paradigm as implemented in the Sketch synthesis system. The first part will describe constraint based synthesis from the user's perspective; in this part, students will gain first-hand experience on the advantages and disadvantages of the constraint-based approach to synthesis, and will learn about some of the open problems in improving the usability of this form of synthesis. The second part of the talk will dive into the details of the counterexample guided inductive synthesis algorithm (CEGIS) as implemented in the Sketch synthesizer. This part of the talk will describe some of the strengths and weaknesses of the algorithm and potential opportunities for new research to improve the scalability of the approach. |
Synthesis and Abstract InterpretationThis talk will present a framework for synthesizing efficient synchronization in concurrent programs, a task known to be difficult and error-prone when done manually. The framework is based on abstract interpretation and can infer synchronization for infinite state programs. Given a program, a specification, and an abstraction, we infer synchronization that avoids all (abstract) interleavings that may violate the specification, but permits as many valid interleavings as possible. The klecture will show application of this general idea for automatic inference of atomic sections and memory fences in programs running over relaxed memory models. |
MiscellaneousThis series of talks will introduce topics not covered by guest lecturers. We will start with synthesis based on machine learning, specifically version space algebra, using SmartEdit of Tessa Lau et al and Quick Code of Sumit Gulwani et al. Next we introduce rewrite-based synthesizers FFTW of Frigo and the CMU Spiral, which have been used to produce highly efficient linear filters. As an example of theorem-based synthesizer, we will cover Nelson et al Denali. Finally, we will discuss what interactive program synthesis might look like, using Angelic programming as an example. |