September 1999: David Notkin, Professor of Computer Science & Engineering
September 1999: Richard Anderson, Professor of Computer Science & Engineering
September 1999: Ed Lazowska, Professor of Computer Science & Engineering
October 1999: Dave Szatmary, Vice Provost for Educational Outreach
February 2000: Louis Fox, Vice Provost for Educational Partnerships
March 2000: Gaetano Borriello, Professor of Computer Science & Engineering
April 2000: Tom Daniel, Komen Professor of Zoology
April 2000: Gaetano Borriello, Professor of Computer Science & Engineering
April 2000: Ed Lazowska, Professor of Computer Science & Engineering
May 2000: Scott Rose, CSE Webmaster / Data Architect
May 2000: CSE graduate student "Building Aid" TGIF ($203.69;
details here)
At this rate, we are only 17 donations away from completion! Who'll be next?