Richard M. Karp, Professor of Computer Science & Engineering and Adjunct Professor of Molecular Biotechnology, has been selected as one of eight recipients of the 1996 National Medal of Science.
Bestowed annually by the President of the United States, the National Medal of Science is the Nation's highest scientific honor.
Additional recipients this year include Wallace S. Broecker (geology, Columbia University), James L. Flanagan (computer aids for industrial productivity and VP for Research, Rutgers University), Norman Davidson (biology, Caltech), Kumar Patel (VP for Research, UCLA), Ruth Batrick (limnology, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences), Paul Samuelson (economics, MIT), and Stephen Smale (mathematics, UC Berkeley).
Previous computer science recipients include John Cocke (1994), Allen Newell (1992), Herb Simon (1986), Herman H. Goldstine (1983), Don Knuth (1979), John Backus (1975), J. Presper Eckert (1968), and Vannevar Bush (1963). (Plus, by transitivity, Anna Karlin's dad, Sam (1989).)
Previous University of Washington recipients include Hans Dehmelt (1995) and E. Donnall Thomas (1990) -- both also recent recipients of the Nobel Prize.
June 11, 1996 New York Times article concerning Karp
June 20, 1996 University Week article concerning Karp
National Medal of Science and National Medal of Technology home page