Linux hacks:

  • Fix (that works in X) for disabling the annoying glidepoint tapping "feature" on Sony Z505's
  • poldhu_cs driver for the ipaq (running Familar 0.7-pre release). Note, this is almost a straight recompile with the cross development tools from However, a slight hack to the driver had to be made, so replace your client/poldhu.c file with this one. You can get the rest of source to the driver from the original website. Cross-development tools are here. This site is also helpful
  • A quick hack to recover images from a corrupted compact flash card.


  • WaveScalar Development Toolkit
  • HLS Source / binary toolkit, a statistical / symbolic simulator for superscalar processors. HLS is available here. You will also probably want the modified (slightly) SimpleScalar sim-outorder simulator (for machine analysis) here, and the modified SIM3 simulator (for program analysis) here.
  • MOSS Source / binary toolkit, a modified dual-processor Linux (2.1 series) that emulates a single-processor system and Active Pages. It emulates at 100 times the granularity of a time slice (100us). Note that you can easilly modify this to emulate whatever hardware you wish (not just Active Pages). The kernel sources are here, the user mode library is here, and finally a debug library for writing your applications on a conventional system is here.
  • Source distribution for SIM3, a rewrite of SimpleScalar in C++ that I did for my own sanity.  Contains sim3mp a multiprocessor SimpleScalar simulator.
  • Binary/Source distribution for a gcc compiler capable of generating SimpleScalar binaries.
  • Quantum Architecture Research Tools