I am a third-year CSE Ph.D. student at University of Washington. I’m advised by Amy X. Zhang and part of the Social Futures Lab. My research interests are at the insersection of social computing and FAccT (Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency). I am passionate about building content moderation systems that respect peoples’ values. These days, I am particularly interested in empowering people to customize algorithms used in every aspect of their online lives through end-user programming methods.
In summar 2023, I interned with the AI & Society group at Microsoft Research, where I worked with Scott Counts to understand the challenges knowledge workers face when interacting with generative conversational agents. Before coming to UW, I worked as a research assistant at Social AI Group at Carnegie Mellon University, where I was co-advised by Professors Haiyi Zhu and Steven Wu. I was also fortunate to be part of CMU DIG lab and advised by Professor Adam Perer.
I am always happy to chat about research and collarabote. Feel free to drop me an email :)