
1992 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT (Thesis title: Theoretical and practical aspects of parallel numerical algorithms for initial value problems, with applications. Advisors: Jacob White and John L. Wyatt, Jr.)

1988 E.E., MIT

1986 S.M.E.E., MIT

1984 S.B.E.E., MIT

Current Position

2016–Present Chief Scientist, Northwest Institute for Advanced Computing.

2016–Present Laboratory Fellow, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

2016–Present Distinguished Faculty Fellow and Affiliate Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington.

2009–Present Professor of Computer Science, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University.

Other Experience

2014–2016 Associate Dean for Research, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University.

2011–2016 Director, Center for Research in Extreme Scale Technologies, Indiana University.

2009–2016 Associate Director, Bio Complexity Institute, Indiana University.

2001–2011 Director, Open Systems Laboratory, Indiana Pervasive Technology Institute.

2010–2011 Computer Science Program Director and Professor of Computer Science, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University.

2009–2010 Faculty Division Chair and Professor of Computer Science, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University.

2007–2009 Professor, Computer Science Department, Indiana University.

2005–2007 Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Computer Science Department, Indiana University.

2001–2005 Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Computer Science Department, Indiana University.

1997–2001 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame.

1999–2000 Scientist (visiting faculty), Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (one year sabbatical from Notre Dame).

1992–1997 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame.

Summer 1993 Summer Faculty Fellow, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH.

Summer 1992 Visiting Fellow, Army High Performance Computing Research Center, Minneapolis, MN. 1990 Summer Research/Development, Thinking Machines Corporation.

1988–1991 Graduate Research Assistant, Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT. 1987–1988 Graduate Teaching Assistant, MIT.

1985–1987 Associate Engineer, Manufacturing Development, Packard Electric Division of General Motors, Warren, OH.

1986 Part-Time Faculty Member, Youngstown State University.

1984–1985 Graduate Research Assistant, Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems, MIT.


The Association for Computing Machinery

The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics


2015 IEEE Senior Member.

1996 CSE Department Undergraduate Teaching Award. 1995 NSF CAREER Award.

1993 NASA-ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship.

1987–1990 American Electronics Association/Dynatech Faculty Development Fellowship. 1984–1985 General Motors Graduate Fellowship.