Hack Your Language!

An upper-level undergrqad course on programming langauges

Some resources for the course, more coming during Fall 2011:

Hack Your Language!
A talk with a brief overview of the course.
PLDI 2011 panel on teaching programming languages
Course web page from fall 2010
I will teach the course again in Spring 2012.
UC Berkeley CS164
The project, lectures, homeworks
For now, the project units are scattered through the calendar. Sorry for the mess.
UC Berkeley CS164
Sample of final projects
After building their browser, students design and implement a small language, to gain confidence that they can accomplish this on their own in two weeks.
UC Berkeley CS164
paper: Small languages in an undergraduate PL/Compiler course
Design philosophy for this course, somewhat evolved since this paper was published.
SIGPLAN programming language curriculum workshop (2008)
paper: Discussion Summaries and recommendations
The course follows some of the recommendations we came up at this workshop
SIGPLAN programming language curriculum workshop (2008)

Ras Bodik, 2011