Highwayman's Sanctuary Comments

Having just read your "rant" about Sanctuary, I want to throw a couple of opinions on the barbecue to see how they burn.

Firstly, I tend to think that although Sanctuary was spread out over several issues, it didn't really have much of a plot and seemed a bit like Drew was just spiralling directionlessly with the comic. Although there were some good moments, and some issues were outstanding, the whole thing generally seems to be an artistic devolution from the Mulehide issues. The dialogue more recently seems to be badly thought out at best and total crap at worst.

Although I know that violence has a place in the comic, it seems now to have become violence for the sake of violence, which in a lot of the issues seems only to be in there to cover up the fact there isn't a plot for the issue. A lot of the issues are very much kill kill kill kill from start to finish. It gets a bit tedious after a while, especially as it starts to appear that Luse cannot be injured or hurt. If a comic is going to go down the action route then it has to seem that your hero can be hurt and potentially killed, otherwise it cannot possibly maintain excitement.

On another note, I showed a copy of Poison Elves to my girlfriend that other day and she asked me, why do the women in these things always have big breasts? I looked at a few of the other comics in my collection and agreed that it was a fair point (although poison elves is the worst offender by far). To me it seems a little immature to always portray women as being well endowed on top, and possibly a little offensive. Perhaps I'm wrong but...

I agree that the Purple Maruader is making far too many appearances these days. But I'm so tired of him I'm starting to think perhaps its time he were put down for good. He's served his purpose.