Chris Lin

CS PhD Student
University of Washington

clin25 [at] cs [dot] washington [dot] edu

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I am a third-year PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Washington, where I am advised by Su-In Lee. My research interests include ML interpretability and its applications to biology & medicine. Recently, I am especially interested in the interpretability of models trained without labels (e.g., self-supervised learning).

Previously, I worked as an ML Engineer/Data Scientist developing ML models for drug discovery at GSK and AstraZeneca. I received my MS in Statistics from Stanford. I got my undergrad degrees in Statistics and Molecular & Cell Biology from UC Berkeley.


* denotes equal contribution.

On the Robustness of Removal-Based Feature Attributions
Chris Lin*, Ian Covert*, Su-In Lee
NeurIPS, 2023

Contrastive Corpus Attribution for Explaining Representations
Chris Lin*, Hugh Chen*, Chanwoo Kim, Su-In Lee
ICLR, 2023
[paper] [code]

Isolating salient variations of interest in single-cell data with contrastiveVI
Ethan Weinberger*, Chris Lin*, Su-In Lee
Nature Methods, 2023
[paper] [code]

Simple Causal Relationships in Gene Expression Discovered through Deep Learned Collective Variables
Ching-Hao Wang, Kalin Vetsigian, Chris Lin, Finnian Firth, Glyn Bradley, Lena Granovsky, Jeremy L. England
Preprint, 2023

Isolating salient variations of interest in single-cell transcriptomic data with contrastiveVI
Ethan Weinberger*, Chris Lin*, Su-In Lee
ICLR MLDD Workshop, 2022

Graph Neural Networks Including Sparse Interpretability
Chris Lin, Gerald J. Sun, Krishna C. Bulusu, Jonathan R. Dry, Marylens Hernandez
Preprint, 2020

Effect of assisted reproductive technology on multiple sclerosis relapses: Case series and meta-analysis
Riley Bove, Kelsey Rankin, Chris Lin, Chao Zhao, Jorge Correale, Kerstin Hellwig, Laure Michel, David A. Laplaud, Tanuja Chitnis
Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2019

Predicting Inpatient Discharge Prioritization With Electronic Health Records
Anand Avati, Stephen Pfohl, Chris Lin, Thao Nguyen, Meng Zhang, Philip Hwang, Jessica Wetstone, Kenneth Jung, Andrew Ng, Nigam H. Shah
Preprint, 2018

Nucleoid and cytoplasmic localization of small RNAs in Escherichia coli
Huanjie Sheng, Weston T. Stauffer, Razika Hussein, Chris Lin, Han N. Lim
Nucleic Acids Research, 2017

Horizontal transfer of DNA methylation patterns into bacterial chromosomes
Jung-Eun Shin, Chris Lin, Han N. Lim
Nucleic Acids Research, 2016