Chenxingyu Zhao 赵宸兴宇
I am Chenxingyu (Frank) Zhao, a fifth-year Ph.D. student in Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington, advised by Professor Arvind Krishnamurthy. My research area is networking and systems, with a focus on cloud infrastructure such as SmartNIC/DPU and disaggregated storage. Before coming to UW, I received my B.S. in Computer Science (with honors) from Peking University, advised by Professor Tong Yang.
I have the pleasure of working with some fantastic colleagues: Jaehong Min, Ming Liu, Tapan Chugh, Tianyi Cui, Henry Schuh, and more.
Email: cxyzhao at cs.washington.edu
[CV] [Google Scholar] [GitHub]
Research Projects
White-Boxing RDMA with Packet-Granular Software Control [SCR, NSDI 2025]
DPU for Cloud-Hosted Financial Exchanges [DBO, SIGCOMM 2023]
SmartNIC for Persistent Key-Value Store [LEED, SIGCOMM 2023]
Elastic Zoned Namespace SSD [eZNS, OSDI 2023]
Configuration auto-tuner for LSM-tree-based KV-stores [Dremel, SIGMETRICS 2022] [Talk at Meta]
Efficient multi-tenancy on SmartNIC JBOFs [Gimbal, SIGCOMM 2021]
In-Network Computation
Packet scheduling on RMT switches [CalendarQ, NSDI 2020]
Sketch algorithm for network measurements [GSS, ICDE 2019]
Hash-based data structures for network measurements [SingleHash, BIGCOMP 2018]
Network updates in SDN [DDP, ICDCS 2018]
Research Experience
Microsoft Research, Redmond (2022.6~2022.9)
Research intern, advised by Prateesh Goyal, Abdul Kabbani, Behnaz ArzaniByteDance, Beijing (2020.5~2020.9)
Research intern, advised by Yi Wang, Chuanxiong GuoUniversity of Washington, Seattle (2019.6~2020.1)
Summer research intern, advised by Prof. Arvind KrishnamurthyPeking University, Beijing (2017.4~2019.6)
Undergrad research intern, advised by Prof. Tong Yang