- Simplicity Versus Accuracy in a
Model of Cache Coherency Overhead,
S.J. Eggers,
IEEE Transactions on Computer, 40:8 (August 1991).
- Evaluating the Performance of Four Snopping Cache Coherency
S.J. Eggers and R.H. Katz,
International Symposium on Computer Architecture (June 1989).
- The Effect of Sharing on the Cache and Bus Performance of
Parallel Programs,
S.J. Eggers and R.H. Katz,
International Conference on Architectural Support for
Programming Languages and Operating Systems (April 1989).
- A Characterization of Sharing in Parallel Programs,
S.J. Eggers and R.H. Katz,
International Symposium on Computer Architecture (June 1988).
- Implementing a Cache Consistency Protocol,
R.H. Katz, S.J. Eggers, D.A. Wood, C.L. Perkins, and R.G. Sheldon,
International Symposium on Computer Architecture
(June 1985).