Dear Computer Architecture Researcher,
IEEE Micro will publish its yearly Micro's Top Picks from Computer Architecture Conferences as its May / June 2015 issue. This issue collects some of this year's most significant research papers in computer architecture based on novelty and potential for long-term impact.
The Top Picks committee will recognize those significant and insightful papers that have the potential to influence the work of computer architects for years to come. The selection has been traditionally based on reviews by the committee and a small number of external reviewers. This year we want to experiment with gathering community input as well. In other words, we would like to have your input!
The community input website will be open between Dec 18, 2014 and Jan 17, 2015. Reviews will be anonymous to the authors but they will not be anonymous to the selection committee. We will be checking very closely for conflicts of interest, therefore we ask that community reviewers do not spend time submitting reviews of conflicted papers because they will not be considered. Here are the conflict rules: worked for the same institutions in the last 5 years; co-author on a paper or co-PI on a proposal in the last 5 years; advisor-advisee relationships (forever); family relations by blood or marriage (forever).
As pointed out, gathering community input is an experiment for Top Picks. We would like to make it a successful one so that the selection process in future years remains open to the community at large. Therefore, we ask those who choose to review submissions to follow the highest ethics standards and to provide constructive input. We have a plan on how we are going to use this input, but we reserve ourselves the right to not use the input at all if we feel it will not be constructive.
If you would like to provide input, please follow these two simple steps:
Create an account at the community input website between Dec 18, 2014 and Jan 17, 2015. We will only consider reviews from users with an institutional email (university or company).
After creating an account, you will be able to log in, see the submissions and write reviews for any paper you are not conflicted with.
Please participate! Happy Holidays!
-Luis Ceze and Karin Strauss
IEEE Micro Top Picks 2015 Selection Committee Chairs