Isaak Pomeranchuk's Laboratory of Theoretical Physics in Moscow was one of the
powerhouses of Soviet nuclear physics in the mid 20th century. Although staffed
with theoreticians, it was funded by the Soviet nuclear complex which was an
amazingly effective organization. His rules for how a research organization
should prioritize its work still hit home (quoted from Boris Ioffe's memoirs):
The Directorate must be respected. This meant that
all problems formulated for theoreticians by the Institute Management and
devoted to applied physics, such as nuclear reactor design, had to be solved
with priority and full responsibility; any errors had to be completely ruled
out .
The experimentalists must be respected. This meant that if an
experimentalist came with a question to our Theoretical division, or asked for
help, the question had to be answered, and assistance provided, even if this
required a complicated calculation.
You may do science from 8 p.m. till 12 p.m. This meant that young people,
even if they were busy doing their jobs, according to the points 1 and 2 above,
had to find time for the science (i.e. purely theoretical work).