If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
-- Albert Einstein

Current Projects

Check out the home-page for more information.

Past Projects

  • Coherent Large-Scale Multi-Document Summarization: How to produce coherent, human readable summaries from a set of 10 related documents? How about 100? How about 1000? What is best summary format when the amount of information that is summarized is huge? We answer these difficult questions through two systems, GFLOW and SUMMA. The first is coherent summarizer for short document collections and the latter produces hierarchical summaries for large collections. The papers on this work: Paper 1 and Paper 2. And SUMMA demo.

  • Commonsense Knowledge Extraction: Automatically creating corpora of commonsense knowledge based on reasoning over extracted information from the Web. We automatically learned selectional preferences and meta-properties of relations present in natural language text. We also built a large repository of relational n-grams -- a semantic analog to the n-grams corpus, which were used to induce event schemas completely automatically. All results from this project are publically available: set of functional relations, selectional preference demo, and relational n-grams corpus.

  • NLP over Microblogs: Micro-blogging sites such as Twitter have exploded in popularity in the recent times. Tweets often represent the most up-to-date information and "buzz" on a vast spectrum of topics, however, their sheer number adds to huge information overload. We recently released a suite of NLP tools for tweets. We are currently designing automated information extraction systems over Twitter. A recent paper and a demo of automatically generated calendar of events.

  • Large-scale Probabilistic Planning: Solving large Markov Decision Processes by combining several optimal as well as approximate techniques. We hope to alleviate the memory bottleneck in solving the large MDPs and scale to large, industry sized probabilistic planning problems. Some significant papers on this work: Paper 1 and Paper 2. Our planner, Glutton, was runners up in 2011 International Probabilistic Planning competition.

  • Half-Open Information Extraction: Open Information Extraction, while a scalable paradigm, suffers from the drawback that it does not normalize its extractions with a domain schema. Our recent work explores middle grounds between completely open and completely closed variants of IE to leverage benefits of both. An article on this work.

  • Formal Inference in Translation Graph: Developing probabilistic inference techniques to formalize inference in translation graphs, a graph that is formed by combining all available dictionaries between all possible languages in the world. An efficient and high quality inference procedure will enable the system to produce good translations from a sense in one language to several languages, even when there is no available dictionary between the exact pair of languages. A journal paper on this work and the AAAI Nectar version.

  • Open Information Extraction over News: A relation-independent question-answering system over thousands of current news articles. We apply Textrunner information extraction technology as well as news-specific heuristics to construct a massive knowledge base of current events. This information can be queried by asking specific questions or by keyword search.

  • Hybridizing Planners: A fast but suboptimal planner may be hybridized with a slow but optimal one to yield a high-quality, anytime planner that solves the problems in intermediate times. We developed HybPlan, a planner that hybridized GPT and MBP for probabilistic planning.

  • Concurrent Probabilistic Temporal Planning: Developing high-quality and efficient techniques to solve MDPs that formulate probabilistic planning problems involving durative and concurrent actions.

  • Publications

    A complete list of publications can be found here.

    Software, Demos and Data

    A complete list of released softwares, demos and data can be found here.


  • Program Chair: ICAPS'17, CODS'16.
  • Track Chair: IJCAI'16 AI & Web Track.
  • Tutorial Chair: AAAI'16, AAAI'15.
  • Area Chair: IJCNLP'17, EMNLP'17, ACL'17, WWW'17, COLING'16, ACL'15, EMNLP'13.
  • Associate Editor: JAIR.
  • Senior PC Member: AAAI'18, HCOMP'16, IJCAI'15, ICAPS'13, IJCAI'13, IJCAI'11, AAAI'11, AAAI'10 AI & Web Track.
  • PC Member: NAACL'16, WSDM'15, HCOMP'14, AAAI'14, ECAI'14, WWW'14, HCOMP'13, KDD'13, EACL'12, EMNLP'12, ACL'11, ICAPS'11, EMNLP'10, ICAPS'10, ICAPS'09, IJCAI'09, ICAPS'08, AAAI'08, ICAPS'07, AAAI'05.
  • Panel Member: NSF Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (2008, 2010, 2013)
  • Tutorial: MDPs for Probabilistic Planning at AAAI'12, Probabilistic Planning at Planning & Scheduling School'12, Probabilistic Temporal Planning at ICAPS'07.
  • Workshop: UW-MSR Symposium on Crowdsourcing Online Personalized Education, A Reality Check for Planning and Scheduling Under Uncertainty at ICAPS'08.

  • Presentations in the AI group (grad school times)

    1. Introduction to Semantic Web (Fall 2001)
    2. PGRAPHPLAN : A planner for probabilistic domains (Spring 2002)
    3. Nursebot : Robot assistants for the elderly (Spring 2002)
    4. SPUDD : A planner for probabilistic domains (Fall 2002)
    5. A survey of Relational MDP approaches (Fall 2003)
    6. Introduction to Markov Decision Processes (Fall 2003)
    7. A survey of Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Techniques (Spring 2005)