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“Immutability” by Alex Potanin, Johan Östlund, Yoav Zibin, and Michael D. Ernst. In Aliasing in Object-Oriented Programming, vol. 7850 of LNCS, Apr. 2013, pp. 233-269.
One of the main reasons aliasing has to be controlled, as highlighted in another chapter of this book, is the possibility that a variable can unexpectedly change its value without the referrer's knowledge. This book will not be complete without a discussion of the impact of immutability on reference-abundant imperative object-oriented languages. In this chapter we briefly survey possible definitions of immutability and present recent work by the authors on adding immutability to object-oriented languages and how it impacts aliasing.
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BibTeX entry:
@incollection{PotaninOZE2013, author = {Alex Potanin and Johan {\"O}stlund and Yoav Zibin and Michael D. Ernst}, title = {Immutability}, booktitle = {Aliasing in Object-Oriented Programming}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {7850}, pages = {233--269}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, month = apr, year = {2013} }
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