Featherweight Ownership and Immutability Generic Java (FOIGJ)

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“Featherweight Ownership and Immutability Generic Java (FOIGJ)” by Alex Potanin, Paley Li, Yoav Zibin, and Michael D. Ernst. VUW School of Engineering and Computer Science technical report 09-13, (Wellington, New Zealand), December 14, 2009.


This technical report presents the full set of formal rules and proofs that accompany our paper called “Ownership and Immutability in Generic Java (OIGJ)”. Questions regarding this technical report should be directed to Alex Potanin (alex@ecs.vuw.ac.nz).

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BibTeX entry:

   author = {Alex Potanin and Paley Li and Yoav Zibin and Michael D. Ernst},
   title = {{Featherweight} {Ownership} and {Immutability} {Generic}
	{Java} ({FOIGJ})},
   institution = {VUW School of Engineering and Computer Science},
   number = {09-13},
   address = {Wellington, New Zealand},
   month = {December~14,},
   year = {2009}

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