Michael Ernst's students
I am very fortunate to have a group of extraordinarily talented colleagues
— both students and otherwise. Current and former members of my
research group are listed below. Also see their
I am always seeking bright, motivated students (at the undergraduate, master's,
or PhD level), postdocs, and staff to contribute to a variety of program
understanding and analysis research projects. Students looking for
research projects (from undergraduates to PhD dissertations) should see my
list of projects
and research
interests for a flavor (not an exhaustive list) of potential topics.
If you are not at UW, then see my current projects to get a flavor for my
Ph.D. students:
- Varun Iyengar
- Sascha Kehrli
- Yash Mathur
- Vivek Sarkar
- Ivory Wang
- Tian Yu
Research staff
- Suzanne Millstein
- Mark Roberts
Graduated alumni
- Stephen McCamant
Ph.D. dissertation (2008): “Quantitative information-flow tracking for real systems”
Now at U. of Minnesota
- Carlos Pacheco
Ph.D. dissertation (2009): “Directed random testing”
Now at Google
- Shay Artzi
Ph.D. dissertation (2009)
Now at Amazon
- Adam Kiezun
Ph.D. dissertation (2009): "Guided constraint-based testing"
Now at Amazon
- Ivan Beschastnikh
Ph.D. thesis (2013): "Modeling Systems from Logs of their Behavior"
(co-advised with Arvind Krishnamurthy and Tom Anderson)
Now at UBC
- Todd Schiller
Ph.D. thesis (2014): "Reducing the usability barrier to specification and verification"
Now at MOKA
- Colin Gordon
Ph.D. thesis (2014): "Verifying concurrent programs by controlling alias interference"
(co-advised with Dan Grossman)
Now at Drexel
- Sai Zhang
Ph.D. thesis (2014): "Effective program analyses for automated software testing and error diagnosis"
Now at Google Research
- Kıvanç Muşlu
Ph.D. thesis (2015): "Enhancing software development techniques via copy codebases"
(co-advised with Yuriy Brun)
now at Microsoft TSE
- Brian Burg
Ph.D. thesis (2015): "Understanding dynamic behavior with tools for retroactive investigation"
(co-advised with Andy Ko)
now at Apple
- Konstantin Weitz
Ph.D. thesis (2017): "Formal semantics and scalable verification for the Border Gateway Protocol using proof assistants and SMT solvers"
(co-advised with Zach Tatlock)
now at Google
Alberto Goffi
Ph.D. thesis (2018): "Automating Test Oracles Generation"
(co-advised with Mauro Pezzè)
- Stuart Pernsteiner
Ph.D. thesis (2018): "Practical Verification of Safety-Critical Systems"
(co-advised with Zach Tatlock)
now at Galois
- Calvin Loncaric
Ph.D. thesis (2018): "Data Structure Synthesis"
now at Oracle
- Pavel Panchekha
Ph.D. thesis (2019): "Automated Reasoning for Web Page Layout"
now at University of Utah
(co-advised with Zach Tatlock)
- Doug Woos
Ph.D. thesis (2019): "A step-through debugger for distributed systems"
now at Brown University
(co-advised with Tom Anderson and Zach Tatlock)
- Martin Kellogg
- Arianna Blasi
- Jordan Samhi
Master's degrees
- Laura Dean
M.Eng. thesis (2001): “Improved Simulation of Input/Output Automata”
Now at Soundbite Communications
- Michael Harder
M.Eng. thesis (2002): “Improving Test Suites via Generated Specifications”
Now at Microsoft
- Jeremy Nimmer
M.Eng. thesis (2002): “Automatic Generation and Checking of Program Specifications”
This thesis won the Charles and Jennifer Johnson Thesis Award.
Now at Vanu, Inc.
- Alex Rolfe
M.Eng. thesis (2002): “Code Versioning in a Workflow Management System”
Now at MIT
- Ben Morse
M.Eng. thesis (2002): “A C/C++ Front End for the Daikon Dynamic Invariant Detection System”
- Nii Dodoo
M.Eng. thesis (2002): “Selecting Predicates for Conditional Invariant Detection Using Cluster Analysis”
Now at Harvard Business School (previously at Oracle)
- Adrian Birka
M.Eng. thesis (2003): “Compiler-Enforced Immutability for the Java Language”
Now at Microsoft
- Toh Ne Win
M.Eng. thesis (2003): “Theorem-Proving Distributed Algorithms with Dynamic Analysis”
This thesis won the Charles and Jennifer Johnson Thesis Award.
Now at Goldman Sachs
- Yuriy Brun
M.Eng. thesis (2003): “Software Fault Identification via Dynamic Analysis and Machine Learning”
Now at University of Massachusetts
- David Saff
S.M. thesis (2004): “Automated continuous testing to speed software development”
Now at Google
- Lee Lin
M.Eng. thesis (2004): “Improving Adaptability via Program Steering”
Now at Microsoft
- Alan Donovan
S.M. thesis (2004): “Converting Java Programs to Use Generic Libraries”
Now at Google
- Amy Williams
S.M. thesis (2005): “Static Detection of Deadlock for Java Libraries”
Now at MIT
- Philip Guo
M.Eng. thesis (2006): “A Scalable Mixed-Level Approach to Dynamic Analysis of C and C++ Programs”
This thesis won the Charles and Jennifer Johnson Thesis Award.
Now at Stanford
- Matthew Tschantz
M.Eng. thesis (2006): “Javari: Adding Reference Immutability to Java”
This research won the Anna Pogosyants undergraduate research prize.
This thesis also won the Charles and Jennifer Johnson Thesis Award.
Now at Applied Quantitative Research
- Chen Xiao
M.Eng. thesis (2007): “Performance Enhancements for a Dynamic Invariant Detector”
Now at Google
- David Glasser
M.Eng. thesis (2007): “Test Factoring with amock
: Generating Readable Unit Tests from System Tests”
Now at Google
- Matt Papi
M.Eng. thesis (2008): "Practical Pluggable Types for Java"
This thesis won the Charles and Jennifer Johnson Thesis Award.
Now at TripAdvisor
- Jaime Quinonez
M.Eng. thesis (2008): "Inference of Reference Immutability in Java"
Now at D.E. Shaw
- Robert Rudd
M.Eng. thesis (2010): "An Improved Scalable Mixed-Level Approach to Dynamic Analysis of C and C++ Programs"
Now at Oracle
- Eric Spishak
M.S. thesis (2013):
A type system for regular expressions; Annotation File Utilities
Now at Google
- Jenny Abrahamson
M.S. thesis (2013): "Lightweight Visualizations of Distributed System Traces"
Now at Facebook
- Stephanie Dietzel
M.S. thesis (2013): "Improving and Extending Verigames"
Now at Tableau
- Kellen Donohue
M.S. thesis (2013): "Celeriac: A Daikon .NET Front End"
Now at Google
- Tyler Rigsby
M.S. thesis (2013): "Conflict Weighting in Verification Games"
Now at Google
- Forrest Coward
M.S. thesis (2014): "Scout: Focusing Developers on Expressive Contracts"
Now at Microsoft
- Darioush Jalali
M.S. report: "Not all mutants are equally strong: Mutation operators should not be applied indiscriminately"
Now at Tableau
- Spencer Pearson
M.S. report: "Evaluating and improving fault localization"
- Victoria Lin
(co-advised with Luke Zettlemoyer)
M.S. Report: "Program synthesis from natural language using recurrent neural networks"
- Waylon Huang
M.S. report: "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Components of Guided Random Testing"
- Adam Geller
Final report: "Minsaw"
- Casey Xing
- Thomas Schweizer
Former postdocs
Former research staff
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Michael Ernst