Chinmay Nirkhe


I am a faculty member in the Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering and a member of the CS Theory and Quantum CS groups. Before UW, I was a research scientist with IBM Quantum. I received my Ph.D. from Berkeley and my B.S. from Caltech.

I am somewhere between a mathematician and a computer scientist. My research is at the intersection of complexity theory and quantum computation. In particular, I am interested in proving hardness-of-approximation results and lower bounds on the description complexity of quantum states.


Graduate Students

Assaf Harel.

If you are interested in being advised by me or collaborating with me, send me an email listing problems you are interested in and your background. I'm more interested in students who have demonstrated an ability to pick up new skills and have a desire to tackle big problems than a particular background in complexity theory or quantum computation.

Select Publications

Education and Past Employment

Academic Service

Simons Institute Summer 2023 Cluster Co-organizer.
QIP 2023, AQIS 2023, QIP 2024 and ITCS 2025 Program Committees.
Quantum Journal Editor.


University of Washington General academia advice

Contact Information

Prof. Chinmay Nirkhe
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA 98195-2350

Preferred pronouns: he/him
Office: Gates Center Room 217, 3800 E Stevens Way NE Seattle, WA 98195

© Chinmay Nirkhe. All rights reserved.