Course Startup Notes

Hal Perkins, Au09

This is an attempt to write down a list of all the things that go into starting up a course these days. Partially this is just to see how much junk is really involved, but also it may be useful as a checklist for others. The specific inspiration was to write down everything it took to get CSE 444 launched in Au09.

There are (too) many ways to do many of these things and a lot of it is only documented by folklore or persists from days when the CSE department rolled their own and there were no campus-wide facilities for things like online turnin or mailing lists. This is just personal preference, with a bias towards jettisoning historical baggage and doing things in standard ways that students see in other departments and courses when possible. I'd be happy for any pointers about how to do things better.


Computing facilities


Most of these tools use the student's UW netid, which may not be the same as their CSE userid.