Data Readme

Below, we will describe what is in each of the data dumps that are available for download. You can download all the data from this link.





Return all images in jpg format.


Return meta data about all images

image_idintID of image
urlhyperlink stringVisual Genome-hosted image URL
widthintwidth of image in px
heightintheight of image in px
coco_idintID of the image in the coco dataset
flickr_idintID of the image in the flickr dataset

            "image_id": 2412112,
            "url": "",
            "width": 500,
            "height": 281,
            "coco_id": 547168,
            "flickr_id": 8505158818

Return all region descriptions

Name Type Description
image_idintID of image containing region
regionsobject arrayArray of region descriptions for this image
  • .region_id
intID of region description
  • .x
intx-coordinate of region bounding box
  • .y
inty-coordinate of region bounding box
  • .width
intwidth of region bounding box
  • .height
intheight of region bounding box
  • .phrase
strregion description phrase
  • .synsets
object arraysynsets in the description
    • .synset_name
strsynset name
    • .entity_name
strstring from phrase
    • .entity_idx_start
intindex where synset starts in the phrase
    • .entity_idx_end
intindex where synset ends in the phrase

          "image_id": 2407890,
          "regions": [...
                  "region_id": 1353,
                  "x": 117,
                  "y": 79,
                  "width": 249,
                  "height": 107,
                  "phrase": "a cat sitting on a table.",
                  "synsets": [...
                          "synset_name": "cat.n.01",
                          "entity_name": "cat",
                          "entity_idx_start": 2,
                          "entity_idx_end": 5
                  "region_id": 1354,
                  "x": 116,
                  "y": 29,
                  "width": 239,
                  "height": 135,
                  "phrase": "a white cat with a tan tail and face markings",
                  "synsets": [...
          "image_id": 2407890,
          "regions": [...

All visual question answers

Name Type Description
image_idintID of image
qasobject arraylist of qas for the image
  • .qa_id
strID of question answer
  • .question
  • .answer
  • .question_synsets
object arrayarray of sysnets in the question
    • .synset_name
strsynset name
    • .entity_name
strstring from question
    • .entity_idx_start
strindex where synset starts in the question
    • .entity_idx_end
strindex where synset ends in the question
  • .answer_synsets
object arrayarray of sysnets in the answer
    • .synset_name
strsynset name
    • .entity_name
strstring from answer
    • .entity_idx_start
intindex where synset starts in the answer
    • .entity_idx_end
intindex where synset ends in the answer

          "image_id": 2317993,
          "qas": [...
                  "qa_id": 912402,
                  "question": "Where are the clouds?",
                  "answer": "sky",
                  "question_synsets": [...
                          "synset_name": "cloud.n.01",
                          "entity_name": "cloud",
                          "entity_idx_start": 14,
                          "entity_idx_end": 20
                  "answer_synsets": [...
                          "synset_name": "sky.n.01",
                          "entity_name": "sky",
                          "entity_idx_start": 0,
                          "entity_idx_end": 3

All object instances

Name Type Description
image_idintID of image
objectsobject arrayArray of object instances for this image
  • .object_id
intID of object
  • .x
intx-coordinate of object bounding box
  • .y
inty-coordinate of object bounding box
  • .w
intwidth of object bounding box
  • .h
intheight of object bounding box
  • .name
strname of object
  • .synsets
str arraysynset names associated with this object

          "image_id": 2,
          "objects": [...
                  "object_id": 1023847,
                  "x": 405,
                  "y": 34,
                  "w": 78,
                  "h": 438,
                  "name": "pole",
                  "synsets": ["pole.n.01"]
                  "object_id": 1023836,
                  "x": 239,
                  "y": 347,
                  "w": 136,
                  "h": 126,
                  "name": "car",
                  "synsets": ["car.n.01"]

All attributes in the dataset

image_idintID of image
attributesobject arrayArray of attributes with object instances for this image
  • .object_id
intID of object
  • .x
intx-coordinate of object bounding box
  • .y
inty-coordinate of object bounding box
  • .w
intwidth of object bounding box
  • .h
intheight of object bounding box
  • .name
strname of object
  • .synsets
str arraysynset names associated with this object
  • .attributes
str arraylist of attributes associated with this object

          "image_id": 2,
          "attributes": [...
                  "object_id": 1023847,
                  "x": 405,
                  "y": 34,
                  "w": 78,
                  "h": 438,
                  "name": "pole",
                  "synsets": ["pole.n.01"],
                  "attributes": ["brown"]
                  "object_id": 1023836,
                  "x": 239,
                  "y": 347,
                  "w": 136,
                  "h": 126,
                  "name": "car",
                  "synsets": ["car.n.01"],
                  "attributes": ["red", "broken"]

All relationships

image_idintID of image
relationshipsobject arrayarray of relationships in the image
  • .relationship_id
intID of relationship
  • .predicate
intstarting char index of entity
  • .synsets
str arraysynset names associated with the predicate
  • .subject
intending char index of entity
    • .object_id
intID of object
    • .x
intx-coordinate of object bounding box
    • .y
inty-coordinate of object bounding box
    • .w
intwidth of object bounding box
    • .h
intheight of object bounding box
    • .name
strname of object
    • .synsets
str arraysynset names associated with this object
  • .object
intname of recognized entity
    • .object_id
intID of object
    • .x
intx-coordinate of object bounding box
    • .y
inty-coordinate of object bounding box
    • .w
intwidth of object bounding box
    • .h
intheight of object bounding box
    • .name
strname of object
    • .synsets
str arraysynset names associated with this object

          "image_id": 2,
          "relationships": [...
                  "relationship_id": 15947,
                  "predicate": "wears",
                  "synsets": ["wear.v.01"],
                  "subject": {
                      "object_id": 1023838,
                      "x": 324,
                      "y": 320,
                      "w": 142,
                      "h": 255,
                      "name": "man",
                      "synsets": ["man.n.01"]
                  "object": {
                      "object_id":  5071,
                      "x": 359,
                      "y": 362,
                      "w": 72,
                      "h": 81,
                      "name": "backpack",
                      "synsets": ["backpack.n.01"]

All the synsets and their descriptions

  • synset_name
strunique synset name
  • synset_definition
strdefinition of synset according to WordNet

          "synset_name": "phonograph_record.n.01",
          "synset_definition": "sound recording consisting of a disk with a continuous groove; used to reproduce music by rotating while a phonograph needle tracks in the groove",
          "synset_name": "truck.n.01",
          "synset_definition": "an automotive vehicle suitable for hauling",

All the region graphs

image_idintID of image containing region
regionsobject arrayArray of region descriptions for this image
  • .region_id
intID of region description
  • .x
intx-coordinate of region bounding box
  • .y
inty-coordinate of region bounding box
  • .width
intwidth of region bounding box
  • .height
intheight of region bounding box
  • .phrase
strregion description phrase
  • .synsets
object arraysynsets in the description
    • .synset_name
strsynset name
    • .entity_name
strstring from phrase
    • .entity_idx_start
intindex where synset starts in the phrase
    • .entity_idx_end
intindex where synset ends in the phrase
  • .objects
object arrayArray of object instances for this image
    • .object_id
intID of object
    • .x
intx-coordinate of object bounding box
    • .y
inty-coordinate of object bounding box
    • .w
intwidth of object bounding box
    • .h
intheight of object bounding box
    • .name
strname of object
    • .synsets
str arraysynset names associated with this object
  • .relationships
object arrayarray of relationships in the image
    • .relationship_id
intID of relationship
    • .predicate
intstarting char index of entity
    • .synsets
str arraysynset names associated with the predicate
    • .subject_id
intID of subject (found in objects list)
    • .object_id
intID of object (found in objects list)

          "image_id": 2407890,
          "regions": [...
                  "region_id": 1353,
                  "x": 117,
                  "y": 79,
                  "width": 249,
                  "height": 107,
                  "phrase": "a cat sitting on a table.",
                  "synsets": [...
                          "synset_name": "cat.n.01",
                          "entity_name": "cat",
                          "entity_idx_start": 2,
                          "entity_idx_end": 5
                  "objects": [...
                          "object_id": 1023838,
                          "x": 324,
                          "y": 320,
                          "w": 142,
                          "h": 255,
                          "name": "cat",
                          "synsets": ["cat.n.01"]
                          "object_id":  5071,
                          "x": 359,
                          "y": 362,
                          "w": 72,
                          "h": 81,
                          "name": "table",
                          "synsets": ["table.n.01"]
                  "relationships": [...
                      "relationship_id": 15947,
                      "predicate": "wears",
                      "synsets": ["wear.v.01"],
                      "subject_id": 1023838,
                      "object_id":  5071,

All the scene graphs

image_idintID of image containing region
objectsobject arrayArray of object instances for this image
  • .object_id
intID of object
  • .x
intx-coordinate of object bounding box
  • .y
inty-coordinate of object bounding box
  • .w
intwidth of object bounding box
  • .h
intheight of object bounding box
  • .name
strname of object
  • .synsets
str arraysynset names associated with this object
.relationshipsobject arrayarray of relationships in the image
  • .relationship_id
intID of relationship
  • .predicate
intstarting char index of entity
  • .synsets
str arraysynset names associated with the predicate
  • .subject_id
intID of subject (found in objects list)
  • .object_id
intID of object (found in objects list)

          "image_id": 2407890,
          "objects": [...
                  "object_id": 1023838,
                  "x": 324,
                  "y": 320,
                  "w": 142,
                  "h": 255,
                  "name": "cat",
                  "synsets": ["cat.n.01"]
                  "object_id":  5071,
                  "x": 359,
                  "y": 362,
                  "w": 72,
                  "h": 81,
                  "name": "table",
                  "synsets": ["table.n.01"]
          "relationships": [...
              "relationship_id": 15947,
              "predicate": "wears",
              "synsets": ["wear.v.01"],
              "subject_id": 1023838,
              "object_id":  5071,

Mapping from qa to their corresponding region descriptions

      "1885736": "2072251"

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