Summary of changes: * MATH307 added * CSE Core Courses list included explicitly to allow 300-level optional courses * HCDE401 removed Note: CompE majors may not use the same course to satisfy Math/Science Electives and Computer Engineering or Free Electives List: CSE Any course on the CSE Core Course List Any graded 400-level majors course (includes 498 but not 499) AMATH 401 Vector Calculus & Complex Variables (4) 402 Introduction to Dynamical Systems & Chaos (4) 403 Methods for Partial Differential Equations (4) 422 Introduction to Mathematical Biology (3) 423 Mathematical Biology: Stochastic Models (3) BIOEN 303 Bioengineering Signal Processing (4) 485 Computational Bioengineering (4) DXARTS/MUSIC 461-463 Digital Sound, Digital Sound Synthesis, Digital Sound Processing (5, 5, 5). Offered jointly with Music 401-403. EE 331, 332 Devices and Circuits I & II (5, 5) 341 Discrete Time Linear Systems (5) Any 400-level majors course *with the exception of: EE 406, 452-457, 471, 472, 478, 491, and 499.* ENGR (Co-op) 321 Engineering Cooperative Education (one credit may count for Computer Science majors; three credits may count for Computer Engineering majors) GEOG 460 GIS Analysis (5) 463 GIS Workshop (5) 465 GIS Database & Programming (5) HCDE 407 Software User Assistance (3) HCDE/IE 455 User Interface Design (4) INFO 444 Value-Sensitive Design (5) 446 Advanced Search Engine Systems (5) 454 Information Policy: Domestic and Global (5) LING 473 Basics for Computational Linguistics (3) MATH 307 Introduction to Differential Equations 334, 335, 336 Accelerated Advanced Calculus (5,5,5) 402, 403, 404 Introduction to Modern Algebra (3, 3, 3) 407 Linear Optimization (3) 408 Nonlinear Optimization (3) 409 Discrete Optimization (3) 414, 415 Number Theory (3,3) 424, 425, 426 Fundamental Concepts of Analysis (3,3,3) 435, 436 Introduction to Dynamical Systems (3,3) 441 Topology (3) 442 Differential Geometry (3) 461, 462 Combinational Theory (3,3) 464, 465, 466 Numerical Analysis I, II, III (3, 3, 3) MUSIC 400 Computer Music Seminar (3, max 9) STAT 341, 342 Introduction to Probability and Statistical Inference I, II (4,4) 421 Introduction to Applied Statistics and Experimental Design (4) STAT/MATH 395, 396 Probability II & III (3,3) 491 Introduction to Stochastic Processes (3)