Write the function body below the following header.
function NumDigits(Number : integer) : integer; { Postcondition: Returns the number of digits in the } { decimal representation of Number. }
hh mm sswhere hh is the number of hours of elapsed time, mm is the number of minutes (in addition to hh hours) of elapsed time, and ss is the number of seconds (in addition to hh hours and mm minutes) of elapsed time.
The matrix passed to Expand is to be of type MatrixType, which contains a two-dimensional array such that the element in the ith row and jth column of the matrix is in the [i, j] position of the array.
The effect of the call Expand(M, 3) is shown in the diagram below. (The shaded part represents the unused portion of the array.)
Assume the following declarations.
const MaxSize =Because each variable of type MatrixType takes up a significant amount of memory, you cannot assume that a second variable of type MatrixType would fit in memory. Thus, YOU WILL RECEIVE NO CREDIT IF YOU MAKE USE OF ANY ARRAY VARIABLE OTHER THAN THE ONE PASSED INTO THE PROCEDURE.; type MatrixArray = array[1..MaxSize, 1..MaxSize] of integer; MatrixType = record Numbers : MatrixArray; NumRows : integer; NumCols : integer end;
You may find it helpful to write and call an auxiliary procedure that assigns a value to every element of a rectangular portion of a two-dimensional array.
type PtrNode = ^NodeType; NodeType = record Data : integer; Next : PtrNode end;The procedure you are to write is to have the following header.
procedure Reverse(var Head : PtrNode);
More formally, the mirror image of a tree T can be specified by a function Mirror, where
(1) if T has one or zero node(s), then Mirror(T) = T, and
(2) if T has at least two nodes, as indicated in the figure below.
then Mirror(T) is the tree indicated by
where r is the value stored at the root of T, while TLeft and TRight, respectively, are the left and right subtrees of T.Trees are implemented using the following declarations.
type TreeType = ^NodeType; NodeType = record Data : DataType; LeftChild, RightChild : TreeType end;Write a function MirrorTree that constructs the mirror image of the tree passed as the parameter of MirrorTree and that returns a pointer to the constructed tree. The tree passed as the parameter should not be modified by MirrorTree.
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