In-class exercise Code Defenders: Instructions

High-level goal

The high-level goals of this game-based exercise are to (1) solidify software testing skills and (2) reason about potential sources of program errors.

Set up

  1. Team up in groups of size 3. Unlike previous in-class exercises, this is an individual assignment, but you will be playing in a team of 3 against another team of 3 students.

  2. Assign yourself to a group (in-class-2-CodeDefenders) on Canvas. Students not assigned to a group by Thursday 5 PM will be randomly assigned.

  3. Log into the Code Defenders game, hosted on Attu, using the link, username, and password you received in an email.


In this exercise, you will be playing a battleground-style game of mutation testing. The general gameplay is:

You will play three games (described below).


  1. Join the easy game (~10 min), which will be the only open game. This game will have both tests and bugs visible. The goal is to familiarize yourself with the game interface and to freely communicate with opponents.

  2. Join the hard game (~20 min). This game will have both tests and bugs invisible.

  3. For a final challenge, join the last game (~15 min) to play against staff.


  1. Create subtle bugs (mutants) and tests in the game. You do not need to submit anything for this part, as we can collect these directly from the game server.

  2. Fill out this brief survey about the game and exercise experience.

Frequently Asked Questions