Viewing Code Coverage Results on attu

If you are using, to complete this exercise, follow the instructions below to view the code coverage report webpage coverage_results/index.html.

Steps to Serve Code Coverage Report

  1. In the top-level directory of the triangle project (i.e., ls shows the coverage_results/ directory), run the following commands:

    $ wget
    $ chmod +x
  2. Run the ./ script, which produces the code coverage report and invokes the script.

  3. Now navigate to the following URL in your browser, replacing $USER with your CSE NetID:$USER/coverage_results. For instance, if your CSE NetID is foobar, then the URL is

  4. To remove the code coverage report from home page, delete the /cse/web/homes/$USER/coverage_results directory:

    $ rm -r /cse/web/homes/$USER/coverage_results

How does this work?

Every CSE student can use the home page service to serve webpages over the Internet by copying them to /cse/web/homes/$USER on attu, so they can copy the code coverage report to that location on attu and view the results in their local web browser.

The script copies the entire coverage_results directory into /cse/web/homes/$USER, and then the coverage_results/index.html webpage is hosted at$USER/coverage_results, where $USER is your CSE NetID.