Configuring form.cgi

form.cgi is a perl5-coded CGI that accepts user input from dynamically-generated HTML forms to create "databank entries" that can then be viewed, searched, and edited. It is configured to have a specific personality by means of a configuration file. This document describes in detail how to create that file and briefly how to use the tool.


Below is a little exposition of some of the concepts behind the tool.

A key concept is that there are three distinct roles for users of the resource:
  1. data providers create, delete, and edit entries
  2. clients browse and search entries
  3. administrators delete entries, change passwords, change keys, and regenerate HTML files
persistant storage
Currently, data is always stored in a set of DBM files, each of which is tied to a perl hash. There is also a per-entry HTML file and an index of those files, but those contain no unique data, and can be reconstructed on demand as an administrative action.
Any of the users of the tool may be required to authenticate. For data providers, that might mean providing a made-up password at record creation (or edit) time and using the built-in authentication, or it might mean using external authentication such as basic or CSENetID auth. Or there might be no authentiation for data providers. For administrators, it might mean using external auth or a pre-set password with the tool's built-in authentication. For clients, the only option is external authentication.
The PATH_INFO mechanism is used to find the configuration file, which is then read via the perl require mechanism. That means that the tool needn't be modified or relocated to find its configuration file, and that the configuration file must be valid perl that returns a non-zero value.
Security is provided by requiring that the configuration file be owned by the user running the CGI (typically nobody) and not be world-writable.
The mode the CGI script operates in is controlled by the URL:
    create/edit entry .../form.cgi/<path-to-config>/action=entry
    search .../form.cgi/<path-to-config>/action=search
    administer .../form.cgi/<path-to-config>/action=admin

Basic Configuration

Below is a list of the general goo that must or can appear in the configuration file to control behaviour. Unless specified, optional.


This string is used in various places to describe the application. Required.
Email address to which comments are directed. Required.
Full path to directory where the persistant data is stored. Required.
URL of index of entries. Required.
Full path to directory containing HTML files. Required.
URL of "home" for data providers. This is used for a lot of links and redirects. Required.
URL of "home" for clients. This is used for a lot of links and redirects. Required.


These relate to the appearance of pages.

Background color (bgcolor) for the <body> of all pages, defaulting to #ffffff (white).
Text color (text) for the <body> of all pages, defaulting to #000000 (black).
$link ($vlink)
Link (visited link) color for the <body> of all pages, defaulting to #3300ff (#330099).


There are a lot of variables that control HTML chunks- mostly header and footer- of various screens and output files. In general, there are default values that are used if you don't define your own values.

$entry_heading Heading and footer for an HTML file containing an entry.
$form_heading Heading and footer for the data entry form.
$index_heading Heading and footer for the index page.
$search_heading For the search entry form.
$search2_heading For the search results page.
$intro_heading For the initial form that data providers see.
$update_heading For the screen where an existing record is selected for updating.
$update2_heading For the screen presented after an update operation.
$delete_heading Heading, footer for page from which an administrator selects records for deletion.
$cpasswd_heading For the password-changing screen, which only administrators ever see.
$ckey_heading For the administrative key-changing screen.
$accepted Entire HTML screen displayed after a successful record submission by a data provider.
$deleted Entire HTML screen displayed after a successful record deletion by a data provider.
$changed Entire HTML screen displayed after a successful password change by a data provider.
$kchange Entire HTML screen displayed after a successful key change by an administrator.
$adeleted Entire HTML screen displayed after a successful record deletion by an administrator.
$tips Instructions for the data entry screen. This is not strictly required,
but the default instructions are decreasingly useful.


Filename extension for created HTML files, default html.
$suppressPasswords [sic]
Define this iff you are not using built-in authentication.
Define this iff you wish to disallow data providers from deleting their own entries.
Define the name of a file to receive a log of each action. Such a log contains all the posted data, and could in theory be used to recreate the entire databank.
Format that all dates/times, which are formatted with strftime(3), will appear in. The Default is '%A, %B %d, %Y at %H:%M', which yields strings like "Friday, April 13, 2004 at 14:55".
If you are using the built-in authentication for administrators, this is the encrypted password. You can use htpasswd(8) to generate it. Required iff you are using built-in administrator auth, which you are unless you provide at least one value in @admins.
This is a list of user IDs that can access the administrative screens of the tool. If you provide a value for this, then you must protect the administrative URL with some kind of external authentication- basic or CSENetID, perhaps- so that the REMOTE_USER environment variable has a value.
Label for submit buttons. Default is 'Submit'.
The contents of this string is added to the <head> of each page, be it static or dynamic.
Points to an anonymous array of HTML snippets that are appended to name fields of form elements when they are displayed. For example, a form element with a value of 1 for its notes field is displayed with ${$notes}[1] appended.

Form Components: @elements

User entries consist of fields, which typically correspond to form elements (or sets of form elements). The set of fields is described by an array of anonymous hashes called @elements.

The first entry in @elements is the key value, which must be unique across entries.

Below is a description of the fields in the members of @elements. Unless otherwise specified, the values are strings and the fields are optional. Except as noted, each corresponds to a field in the user input form.

Internal field name. When the persistant storage is a DBM file, this is the filename. Required unless the type is static.
This is what's displayed to the user as a prompt on the input form, is printed by default to the HTML files, and is displayed by default on the search form. Required. See dname for information on overriding this value for the search form and HTML files.
If specified, this value is used instead of name on the search form and in HTML files. On the input form, it is useful to have the prompt be a question, but that doesn't work as well in the other contexts.
The type of the field. Required. Recognized values are:
A single-line text field.
Static HTML, not corresponding to a hash or to a field in the input form. Such entries must not have a tag field, and must have a scope field.
The value of the REMOTE_USER environment variable, which is set whenever authentication directives are used for controlling access to the CGI. Computed.
A picklist. Values are provided in the options field.
A set of checkboxes with the same name but unique values. The values are provided in the values field.
A multi-line text field. The size is set by the rows and cols fields.
A set of radio buttons. Values are provided in the values field.
A set of sets of radio buttons. They must share common values. The names are provided in the names field.
The time at which the record was last modified. Computed.
The time at which the record was created. Computed.
An automatically-generated (integer) key. This comes in handy where no other field is assured to have unique values across all entries.
This field is only for entries of type static, and specifies the contexts in which the HTML is printed. Currently, the only supported value is entry, which means that it only appears in the data input form.
Displayed in the forms, but not editable by the users. Boolean. This might be useful when a databank is preloaded with data in certain fields that should never change.
For an element of type text, the size of the form field.
For an element of type text, the maximum size of the input data.
Specifies that the field value should be displayed in a small font.
If defined, marks the element as requiring that a value be entered. Form submissions without such a value are rejected.
Specifies the default value for a text or textarea field. If a reference to a function, that function returns the value.
Boolean. If defined, specifies that HTML will not be accepted in the value. Specifically, < and > characters will be filtered to &lt; and &gt;. text or textarea.
Boolean. If defined, specifies that this element can be used to participate in a search: it will appear in the search form.
Integer. Specifies the index of the element from the anonymous array pointed to by $notes that contains text that will be appended to the name field in the forms.
Boolean. Specifies, in a element with type select, that the first value in the options array is not considered a valid entry. For a required field, that isn't an acceptable value. For a search, it means not to filter the records according to that field.
Array. Values for a select element.
Array. Values for radio, radio_array,
Array. Values radio_array names.
Array. Values for name attributes of radio_array form elements are constructed from the tag field for the element, followed by a |, followed by one of these values. E.g. grade|cse341.
Boolean. If defined, don't display this element in the HTML files if the user-defined function hide() returns a non-zero value.
Boolean. If defined for a textarea, include the wrap attribute with the value physical.
Boolean. If specified for a select, allows multiple values to be selected.
A regular expression that valid values for a text field must match.
Specifies that the value should be wrapped in a mailto link. Obviously, this is pointless unless it's an email address. Applies to text fields only.
Specifies that the value should be used as the anchor for a link. Applies to text fields only.

Configuration File Code

A small amount of code, in the form of functions, must be provided in the configuration file. Optional except as indicated.

For build-in auth, implements a policy on password characteristics. The default policy simply requires four or more characters.
Used in various contexts to build a one-line identification for an entry. For example, the submitter's last name, comma, first name.
Create the entire index from scratch.
Used to create a single anchored entry for the index.
sortfunc(a, b)
Used to sort entries for the index. Required.
Create an HTML file from a single entry.


Here are some examples of deployed applications of form.cgi. (Desparately incomplete.)

DIAC-2000 E-Resource
Uses built-in authentication to provide a sort of "guestbook" application for attendees of the Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing Symposium, held in Seattle in May 2000.

[Last modified Saturday, October 25, 2014, at 11:29AM PDT.]