About Me
I'm a Ph.D. student at the GRAIL lab in the University of Washington School of Computer Science and Engineering , advised by Prof. Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman. I am interested in Computer Vision, my research is focused on (but not limited to) problems related to unsupervised image editing using GANs. Previously I was a research assistant at the GIP Laboratory in the Computer Science Department at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, where I worked with Professors Ron Kimmel and Alfred M. Bruckstein on depth map refinement methods and 3D face reconstruction. I received my B.Sc. and M.Sc (Cum Laude) from the Electrical Engineering department at the Technion in 2010 and 2015 respectively.

Learning Detailed Face Reconstruction from a Single Image
E. Richardson, M. Sela, R. Or-El, R. Kimmel, CVPR 2017
Selected for oral presentation

Autonomous robot control with DSP and video camera using MATLAB State-Flow chart
R. Or-El*, A. Lichtigstein*, A. Nakhmani, EDERC2010
*Equal contribution
Bill & Melinda Gates Center, Room 284
Univeristy of Washington,
3800 E Stevens Way NE
Seattle, WA, 98185
<royorel at cs dot washington dot edu>