Atherosclerotic Plaque Smooth Muscle Cells Have a Distinct Phenotype
Eileen R. Mulvihill,
Jochen Jaeger,
Rimli Sengupta,
Walter L. Ruzzo,
Cecile Reimer,
Sheila Lukito
Stephen M. Schwartz
Supplementary Data
In addition to supplementary data available on
the publisher's web site, we provide here links to two
supplementary figures and three Excel workbooks containing:
- Results from the permutation analysis, both the 126 permutation set
and the restricted 40 permutation set splitting both paired samples
- Scatter plots of concordance of top genes (by t-test) between paired
and unpaired samples
- Normalized data from all 4132 spots on all arrays
- A summary of our Universal Target experiments:
- Lists of top ranking candidate genes in media vs plaque:
E-mail: ruzzo /at/ cs /dot/ washington /dot/ edu