- 2023: ACM PODS Alberto O. Mendelzon Test-of-Time Award, for the paper
Communication steps for parallel query processing
- 2023: ICDT Test-of-time Award, for the paper
A theory of pricing private data
- 2022: PODS Best paper award, for Convergence of Datalog over (Pre-) Semirings
- 2021: AAAI Distinguished paper award, for On the Tractability of SHAP Explanations.
- 2021: ICDT Test-of-time Award, for the paper Knowledge Compilation Meets Database Theory: Compiling Queries to Decision Diagrams
- 2019: SIGMOD Best Paper Award, for the paper Interventional Fairness: Causal Database Repair for Algorithmic Fairness.
- 2018: VLDB Best Demonstration Award, for the demo HypDB: A Demonstration of Detecting, Explaining and Resolving Bias in OLAP queries.
- 2017: SIGMOD Best Demonstration Award, for the demo Demonstration of the Cosette Automated SQL Prover.
- 2014: VLDB Ten Year Best Paper Award, for the paper Efficient Query Evaluation on Probabilistic Databases
- 2013: ICDE Influential Paper Award, for the paper Schema Mediation in Peer Data Management Systems
- 2013: ICDT Best Paper Award, for the paper A Theory of Pricing Private Data
- 2012: SIGMOD Best Demonstration Award, for the demo Tiresias: a demonstration of how-to queries.
- 2012: ACM PODS Alberto O. Mendelzon Test-of-Time Award, for
the paper Containment and Equivalence for an XPath Fragment
- 2010: ACM PODS Alberto O. Mendelzon Test-of-Time Award, for the paper Typechecking for XML Transformers
- 2000: ACM SIGMOD Best Paper Award, for the paper XMill: An Efficient Compressor for XML data
- 1996: Morris and Dorothy Rubinoff Award for best doctoral dissertation.
- 1994-1995: Doctoral Fellowship from the Institute for Research in Cognitive Science.
- 1995: ICDT Best Student Paper Award, for the paper Domain-Independent Queries on Databases with External Functions