
Zihao Ye (叶子豪)

Ph.D. student @ SAMPL, UW CSE
Bill & Melinda Gates Center, Room 330
Email : zhye [at] cs [dot] washington [dot] edu
Strava : My Account
Github : yzh119

About Me

This is Zihao Ye, a fourth-year Ph.D. student at the University of Washington's Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, advised by Luis Ceze in the SAMPL research group. I also work closely with Tianqi Chen on Machine Learning Compilers.

Prior to joining UW, I spent two years at AWS where I worked with Minjie Wang and Zheng Zhang. I obtained my bachelor's degree from ACM Honors Class at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. We are organizing talks at SAMPL, topics include Systems, Architecture, Compilers, Verification and Machine Learning.


My current research include Machine Learning Compilers and Sparse Computation.

I'm focusing on developing FlashInfer and some related research projects, feel free to drop me an email if are interested, and I'm open to collaborations.


The following updates are outdated:


Heaven Sent is my favorite Doctor Who episode and it helped me get through every dark moments during my PhD.

Active Projects

I'm excited to be part of MLC community and collaborate with a strong team on the following projects in TVM Unity:

Earlier Projects

Selected Publications

ASPLOS 2023 PDF SparseTIR: Composable Abstractions for Sparse Compilation in Deep Learning.
Zihao Ye, Ruihang Lai, Junru Shao, Tianqi Chen, and Luis Ceze.
The 28th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2023. Distinguished Artifact Award.