About me
I am a Research Scientist at Oculus Research (Redmond, WA) and an Affiliate Assistant Professor at the University of Washington. My general research interest lies in the intersection of embedded systems, digital circuits,
and mathematics. I am currently building low power augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) systems. I am also developing new computation methods for unreliable beyond-CMOS
Some of my previous research topics:
- Stochastic computing
- Reliable Network on chip (NoC) design
- FPGA testing
- NoC testing
- Artificial neural networks
- Asynchronous circuits
- Multi-valued logic
- Stochastic computing
- Reliable Network on chip (NoC) design
- FPGA testing
- NoC testing
- Artificial neural networks
- Asynchronous circuits
- Multi-valued logic
Software release
My Google Scholar profileMy Erdős number is 3. (Armin Alaghi <--> John P. Hayes <--> Frank Harary <--> Paul Erdős)
Last update: February 2018