CSE 531: Complexity Theory

Spring, 2018

WF 1-2:30pm, MGH 228

Instructor: James R. Lee (jrl@cs)

Office hours: By appointment

TA: Xin Yang (yx1992@cs)

Office hours: TBD



  • Four homeworks (50%)
  • Take-home midterm (15%)
  • Take-home final exam (35%)



date topic reading
Wed, Mar 28
MGH 228
  • Languages over a finite alphabet
  • Turing machines
    • finite state space
    • alphabet
    • tape alphabet
    • transition function
    • start, accept, and reject states
  • Universality, simulation, and the Church-Turing thesis
  • Turing-decidable and Turing-recognizable languages
  • The set of languages is uncountable, while the set of decidable languages is countable
AB Ch. 1; Sipser Ch. 3-4
Fri, Mar 30
MGH 228
  • Turing machine descriptions; TMs taking other TMs as input
  • Diagonalization and the halting problem
  • $A_{\mathrm{TM}}$ is undecidable
  • $E_{\mathrm{TM}}$ is undecidable (by reduction)
  • Computable functions
  • A function that grows faster than any computable function: Enumerate computable functions $f_1, f_2, f_3, \ldots$ and define \[ g(n) = n \cdot \max \{ f_j(k) : 1 \leq j,k \leq n \}\,. \]
  • Mapping reductions: $A \leq_m B$ if there is a computable mapping $f : \Sigma^* \to \Sigma^*$ such that $x \in A \iff f(x) \in B$.
  • If $A \leq_m B$, then $A$ undecidable $\implies B$ undecidable
  • $A_{\mathrm{TM}} \leq_m ALL_{\mathrm{TM}}$
Wed, Apr 04
MGH 228
  • Time complexity
  • The time hierarchy theorem
  • P = poly-time decidable languages
  • NP = poly-time verifiable languages
  • Poly-time reductions and NP-completeness
AB Ch. 2-3; Sipser Ch. 7, 9.1
Fri, Apr 06
MGH 228
  • NP = Non-deterministic poly time
  • The Cook-Levin Theorem
Wed, Apr 11
MGH 228
  • Oracle machines and relativizing arguments
  • Baker-Gill-Solovay (there are oracles $A,B$ such that $P^A=NP^A$ and $P^B \neq NP^B$)
  • Space complexity
AB 4.4; Sipser 8.5-8.6
Fri, Apr 13
MGH 228
  • Savitch’s theorem
  • PSPACE and two-player games
  • TQBF is PSPACE complete
AB 8.1-8.4; Sipser 10.4
Wed, Apr 18
MGH 228
  • Interactive proofs
  • #P is in IP
AB 8.5-8.6; Sipser 10.4
Fri, Apr 20
MGH 228


Wed, Apr 25
MGH 228


Fri, Apr 27
MGH 228

The polynomial hierarchy

AB 5.1-5.2
Wed, May 02
MGH 228
  • Circuit complexity
  • The Karp-Lipton theorem

Midterm out

AB 6.1-6.2
Fri, May 04
MGH 228

Parity is not in $\mathsf{AC}_0$

Let $\mathbb{F}_3$ denote the finite field with $3$ elements (where arithmetic is modulo $3$).

Fact: Every function $f : \mathbb{F}_3^n \to \mathbb{F}_3$ is uniquely expressed as a polynomial where each variable has degree at most $2$.

Note that the $\mathbb{F}_3$-linear space of such functions has dimension $3^n$ and the number of monomials where every variable has degree at most $2$ is also $3^n$. Thus such monomials form a basis for the vector space of such functions.

Lemma (Low-degree approximation of AND): If $f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_t : \mathbb{F}_3^n \to \mathbb{F}_3$ each of degree at most $r$, then there is a $g : \mathbb{F}_3^n \to \mathbb{F}_3$ with degree at most $2 \ell r$ and such that $\mathbb{P}_{x \in \{0,1\}^n} [g(x) \neq f_1(x) \wedge f_2(x) \wedge \cdots \wedge f_t(x)] \leq 2^{-\ell}.$

Proof: Let $S_1, S_2, \ldots, S_{\ell} \subseteq \{1,2,\ldots,t\}$ be independent and uniformly random sets. We take

Note that $2^2 \equiv 1^2 \equiv 1 \ \mathrm{mod}\ 3$, so

Exercise: Prove that for any fixed $x \in \{0,1\}^n$, it holds that $\mathbb{P}[g(x) \neq f_1(x) \wedge f_2(x) \wedge \cdots f_t(x)] \leq 2^{-\ell}$, where the probability is over the random choice of sets $S_1, S_2, \ldots, S_{\ell}$.

Using the preceding lemma, we can approximate any depth $d$ circuit $C$ with $s$ gates by a polynomial $p$ of degree at most $(2\ell)^d$, and such that the $p$ agrees with the circuit on at least a $1-s 2^{-\ell}$ fraction of inputs. So if the circuit $C$ has $n$ gates we set $\ell = \Theta((\log n)^2)$, then we get a polynomial $p$ of degree at most $O((\log n)^{2d})$ that agrees with $C$ on (say) 99% of inputs.

To finish the argument, we need to show that PARITY cannot have such a low-degree approximation.

Lemma: Let $f : \mathbb{F}_3^n \to \mathbb{F}_3$ be a polynomial of degree $k$. Then $f$ can correctly compute PARITY on at most a $1/2 + O(k/\sqrt{n})$ fraction of the inputs in $\{-1,1\}^n$.

Proof: This argument proceeds as we discussed in class. Suppose that $f$ correctly computes the parity on a subset $A \subseteq \{-1,1\}^n$. Then for every $x \in A$ and $S \subseteq \{1,2,\ldots,n\}$, we can write

Thus using $f$ to replace high-degree monomials, for every function $q : A \to \mathbb{F}_3$, there is a polynomial $\tilde{q}$ such that $q = \tilde{q}|_A$ and $\deg(\tilde{q}) \leq n/2 + k$.

The dimension of the space of functions $q : A \to \mathbb{F}_3$ is $|A|$, so to finish we can compare this to the dimension of the space spanned by such monomials:

Wed, May 09
MGH 228

Razborov’s method of approximation, Part I

Fri, May 11
MGH 228

Razborov’s method of approximation, Part II

The Erdos-Rado sunflower conjecture

Wed, May 16
MGH 228

Overview of the PCP theorem and hardness of approximation

Course notes of Guruswami and O’Donnell we will follow

Fri, May 18
MGH 228

Expander graphs (Rory)


Wed, May 23
MGH 228

Degree reduction and expanderization


Fri, May 25
MGH 228

Gap amplification I


Wed, May 30
MGH 228

Gap amplication II


Fri, Jun 01
MGH 228

Alphabet reduction
