Office hours: By appointment
Office hours: TBD
date | topic | reading |
Wed, Mar 28 MGH 228 |
AB Ch. 1; Sipser Ch. 3-4 |
Fri, Mar 30 MGH 228 |
Wed, Apr 04 MGH 228 |
AB Ch. 2-3; Sipser Ch. 7, 9.1 |
Fri, Apr 06 MGH 228 |
Wed, Apr 11 MGH 228 |
AB 4.4; Sipser 8.5-8.6 |
Fri, Apr 13 MGH 228 |
AB 8.1-8.4; Sipser 10.4 |
Wed, Apr 18 MGH 228 |
AB 8.5-8.6; Sipser 10.4 |
Fri, Apr 20 MGH 228 |
Wed, Apr 25 MGH 228 |
Fri, Apr 27 MGH 228 |
The polynomial hierarchy |
AB 5.1-5.2 |
Wed, May 02 MGH 228 |
Midterm out |
AB 6.1-6.2 |
Fri, May 04 MGH 228 |
Parity is not in $\mathsf{AC}_0$ Let $\mathbb{F}_3$ denote the finite field with $3$ elements (where arithmetic is modulo $3$). Fact: Every function $f : \mathbb{F}_3^n \to \mathbb{F}_3$ is uniquely expressed as a polynomial where each variable has degree at most $2$. Note that the $\mathbb{F}_3$-linear space of such functions has dimension $3^n$ and the number of monomials where every variable has degree at most $2$ is also $3^n$. Thus such monomials form a basis for the vector space of such functions. Lemma (Low-degree approximation of AND): If $f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_t : \mathbb{F}_3^n \to \mathbb{F}_3$ each of degree at most $r$, then there is a $g : \mathbb{F}_3^n \to \mathbb{F}_3$ with degree at most $2 \ell r$ and such that $\mathbb{P}_{x \in \{0,1\}^n} [g(x) \neq f_1(x) \wedge f_2(x) \wedge \cdots \wedge f_t(x)] \leq 2^{-\ell}.$ Proof: Let $S_1, S_2, \ldots, S_{\ell} \subseteq \{1,2,\ldots,t\}$ be independent and uniformly random sets. We take Note that $2^2 \equiv 1^2 \equiv 1 \ \mathrm{mod}\ 3$, so Exercise: Prove that for any fixed $x \in \{0,1\}^n$, it holds that $\mathbb{P}[g(x) \neq f_1(x) \wedge f_2(x) \wedge \cdots f_t(x)] \leq 2^{-\ell}$, where the probability is over the random choice of sets $S_1, S_2, \ldots, S_{\ell}$. Using the preceding lemma, we can approximate any depth $d$ circuit $C$ with $s$ gates by a polynomial $p$ of degree at most $(2\ell)^d$, and such that the $p$ agrees with the circuit on at least a $1-s 2^{-\ell}$ fraction of inputs. So if the circuit $C$ has $n$ gates we set $\ell = \Theta((\log n)^2)$, then we get a polynomial $p$ of degree at most $O((\log n)^{2d})$ that agrees with $C$ on (say) 99% of inputs. To finish the argument, we need to show that PARITY cannot have such a low-degree approximation. Lemma: Let $f : \mathbb{F}_3^n \to \mathbb{F}_3$ be a polynomial of degree $k$. Then $f$ can correctly compute PARITY on at most a $1/2 + O(k/\sqrt{n})$ fraction of the inputs in $\{-1,1\}^n$. Proof: This argument proceeds as we discussed in class. Suppose that $f$ correctly computes the parity on a subset $A \subseteq \{-1,1\}^n$. Then for every $x \in A$ and $S \subseteq \{1,2,\ldots,n\}$, we can write Thus using $f$ to replace high-degree monomials, for every function $q : A \to \mathbb{F}_3$, there is a polynomial $\tilde{q}$ such that $q = \tilde{q}|_A$ and $\deg(\tilde{q}) \leq n/2 + k$. The dimension of the space of functions $q : A \to \mathbb{F}_3$ is $|A|$, so to finish we can compare this to the dimension of the space spanned by such monomials: |
Wed, May 09 MGH 228 |
Razborov’s method of approximation, Part I
Fri, May 11 MGH 228 |
Razborov’s method of approximation, Part II |
Wed, May 16 MGH 228 |
Overview of the PCP theorem and hardness of approximation |
Fri, May 18 MGH 228 |
Expander graphs (Rory) Notes: |
Wed, May 23 MGH 228 |
Degree reduction and expanderization Notes: |
Fri, May 25 MGH 228 |
Gap amplification I Notes: |
Wed, May 30 MGH 228 |
Gap amplication II Notes: |
Fri, Jun 01 MGH 228 |
Alphabet reduction Notes: |