Michael Ernst's contact information

Office: CSE 538 (UW map, Google map)
Office hours: send me email for an appointment (see my calendar & suggest a couple of times)
Calendar: calendar
Email: mernst@cs.washington.edu
Phone: +1-206-221-0965; FAX +1-206-616-3804; Google Hangouts mernst@cs.washington.edu; Skype mernst22; please schedule any calls in advance, and don't send instant messages unless the matter is urgent
Administrator: Jennifer Snow <jennsnow@cs.washington.edu>, phone 206-685-1964; assistant Carol Crowell <ccrow@cs.washington.edu>, phone 206-221-3147
Mail: Michael Ernst; UW CSE; Box 352350; Seattle WA 98195-2350; USA
Express mail: Michael Ernst; AC101 Paul G. Allen Center; 185 Stevens Way; Seattle, WA 98195
Directions: directions and hotels; alternate hotel list; additional airport notes

If you are a prospective student, please read this before sending mail.

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