CSE 599Q: Homework #4

Due: Fri, Mar 12 @ 11:59pm
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1. Group theory for Shor [15 points]

  1. [0 points] We write for the additive group of integers modulo , whose elements can be represented by the numbers , and we use to denote the multiplicative group of integers modulo , whose elements can be represented by the numbers .

    Show that for prime, there is some generator such that .

    You may assume that has a generator for the rest of the problem.

  2. Use this to show that the groups and are isomorphic.

  3. Show that must hold, where is your generator of .

  4. Suppose that are two distinct prime numbers. Show that and are isomorphic.

    You may use the Chinese Remainder Theorem: If are two numbers with , then the system of equations has a solution and any two solutions satisfy .

    What is the image of under this isomorphism?

  5. Suppose you now compose these isomorphisms to map . What is the image of ?

2. More group theory for Shor [16 points]

  1. If is a group with identity element , then the order of an element is the smallest such that (the sum of copies of ). We write for the order of .

    Suppose is an even integer () and is odd. Show that if is odd, then divides . Show that if is even, then does not divide .

  2. Suppose are even integers and we pick and uniformly at random. Show that with probability at least , the largest power of that divides is different from the largest power of that divides .

  3. Show that if , then

  4. Suppose now that are distinct odd prime numbers and we pick and uniformly at random, and define . Use Problem 1 and parts (A)-(C) to show that with probability at least , both of the following hold:

    • is even
    • (summed times) is not equal to .

3. Non-trivial square roots [12 points]

Use Problems 1 and 2 to show the following: Suppose that is a product of two distinct odd primes and . Choose an element uniformly at random and define .

Show that with probability at least , it holds that is even and is a non-trivial square root of modulo , i.e., , and .

4. Order finding reduces to factoring [12 points]

In class, we showed that if is a product of two primes and we can find the order of an element in , we can produce the factors and .

Suppose now that you have a subroutine that takes a number as input and outputs its prime factorization. Show that you can use this to find the order of any given element . Your algorithm shold run in polynomial time in the size of the input, i.e., in time .

5. Shor critique [20 points]

One measure of progress in building quantum computers might be the size of numbers they can factor via Shor’s algorithm. The state of the art is still . But is this impressive? Is more impressive?

  1. Read the paper Pretending to factor large numbers on a quantum computer. Write a paragraph summarizing their main critique of prior experiments.

  2. Read the paper Realization of a scalable Shor algoirthm. Do you think it adequately addresses the criticisms of the first article? Why (or why not)? Explain your thinking.

E. Extra credit: Hamiltonian evolution [25 points]

Read Sections 6.1–6.2 of Nielsen-Chuang and do Exercise 6.12.