I'm a PhD candidate at the University of Washington in the Security & Privacy Research Lab. I'm fortunate to have two wonderful advisors: Franziska Roesner and Tadayoshi Kohno.

My research focuses on the security and privacy of emerging technologies. Currently, I work on the security and privacy of Augmented/Mixed Reality.

I went to college at the University of Virginia and received my B.A. in 2019 and M.S. in 2020. My undergrad advisors are Yuan Tian and Matthew Burtner.

Kaiming Cheng

kaimingc at cs dot washington dot edu

Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Bill & Melinda Gates Center, CSE2 331
Seattle, WA 98195

What's New

  • [July 2024] My proposal has been accepted to the ISMAR 2024 Doctoral Consortium.
  • [July 2024] I received the student travel grant from USENIX Security 2024.
  • [June 2024] Our workshop is accepted to ISMAR 2024:
    SafeAR 24': Approaching Augmented Reality Design & Development with a Security, Privacy & Safety Mindset
  • [May 2024] I gave a talk at Stanford HCI Lunch and Stanford Security Reading Group, thanks for the invitation from Yujie Tao and Kimberly Ruth.
  • [January 2024] I have successfully passed the General Exam and have officially become a Ph.D. candidate.
  • [January 2024] One paper accepted by CHI 2024.
  • [December 2023] I will join the AR/VR team at JPMorgan Chase as Summer Research Associate in 2024.
  • [September 2023] One paper accepted by USENIX Security 2024.
  • [August 2023] I gave a talk at USENIX Security 2023 on our PMA paper.
  • [June 2023] I serve as a member of the Program Committee for IEEE Magazine: Security and Privacy for the Metaverse.
  • [June 2023] I gave a talk at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign on our PMA paper, thanks for the invitation from Prof Camille Cobb.


University of Washington
PhD in Computer Science (Aug 2020 – Present, Corin Anderson Endowed Fellowship)
University of Virginia
M.S. in Computer Science (Aug 2019 – May 2020, Department Academic Excellence Fellowship)
B.A. in Music, Computer Science (Aug 2015 – May 2019, Distinguished major programs & High Honors)


Selected peer-reviewed papers
Lightly-Reviewed Posters, Extended Abstracts and Workshop Papers


I am very fortunate to work with these excellent students:

Master students

  • Arka Bhattacharya (PhD Student, Cornell University)
  • Michelle Lin (Now at Microsoft)
  • Evan Lam
  • Basia Radka
  • Undergraduate students

  • Aroosh Kumar (Now at Salesforce)
  • Jeffery Tian (Now at Meta)
  • Teaching

    University of Washington (Teaching Assistant)

    • CSE 484 Computer Security (Winter 2024)
    • CSE 481s Computer Security Capstone (Spring 2022)

    University of Virginia (Teaching Assistant)

    • CS 5010 Programming and Systems for Data Science (Fall 2019)
    • CS 2150 Program and Data Representation (Fall 2017, Spring 2018)

    Thanks to Vasilios Mavroudis for website template