What is a norm?

A norm is a function (usually indicated by the vertical bars, such as ) such that for all :

  • For all and for all , $$\norm{aw} = a \norm{w} a a$$
  • if and only if . Note that 0 can be the zero vector of any length.
  • For all , . This is called the triangle inequality.

Norms are used for measuring different notions of length or size.

Example norms

  • L2 norm: or ,
    (Where is the dot product of a and b)
  • L1 norm:
  • norm:

Let's say . Then:

Dual Norm

Let be a generic norm of vector . The dual norm is defined as: \begin{equation} \norm{x}_{*} = max {\langle w,x \rangle : \norm{w} \leq 1 } \end{equation}

From this definition, we get the following result: \begin{equation} \langle w,z \rangle \leq \norm{w}\norm{z}_{*} \end{equation}

We now prove that the dual norm of the L2 norm is the L2 norm, using the Cauchy Schwarz inequality ()

It is useful to know that meaning that the dual of the dual norm is the original norm.

Written on March 30, 2015