PASTE 2005
6th ACM
Workshop on
Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering
Co-located with ESEC/FSE 2005
September 5-6, 2005
Lisbon, Portugal
Supported by:
May 11 |
Submissions open |
June 1 |
Firm deadline for submissions
(23:59, Apia, Samoa time)
June 27 |
Notification of acceptance |
July 1 |
Early registration deadline (with hotel guarantee) |
July 31 |
Early registration deadline (with best-effort hotel accommodations) |
August 15 |
Final camera-ready version of papers due |
Sept. 5-6 |
PASTE 2005 in Lisbon, Portugal |
(Plain text (ASCII) call for papers.)
(Plain text (ASCII) call for participation.)
PASTE 2005 is the sixth workshop in a series that
brings together the program analysis, software tools, and
software engineering communities to focus on applications of program
analysis techniques in software tools. PASTE 2005 will provide a forum for
the presentation of exciting research, empirical results, and new
directions in areas including (but not limited to):
program analysis for program understanding, debugging, testing, and
reverse engineering
integration of program analysis into programming environments
user interfaces for software tools and software visualization
applications of program slicing, model checking, and other program
analysis techniques
analysis of program execution or program evolution
integration of, or tradeoffs between, different analysis techniques
issues in scaling analyses and user interfaces to deal with large systems
PASTE 2005, co-located with ESEC/FSE, will be a true workshop, with
a duration of 2 days. In addition to presentations of refereed papers,
there will be invited talks, organized discussions on areas of widespread
interest, an opportunity for all attendees to make a short (five minute)
presentation of their work or other topics, and ample time for general
discussion and debate.
Attendance is open to all interested parties, although enrollment will be
capped to encourage discussions and interaction.
Students are
encouraged to attend and may apply for support
from ACM. A proceedings of invited and regular papers will be published by
We are soliciting papers in two distinct categories:
Short papers (3 page limit)
Short papers that discuss controversial issues in the
field, or describe interesting or thought-provoking ideas that
are not yet fully developed.
Long papers (6 page limit)
Research papers that describe ongoing research or new results.
The program committee will aim to select a program containing a mix of the
best submitted papers in each of these categories, with a primary aim of
encouraging productive discussion and inspiring new research. Long papers
will be expected to have a somewhat higher degree of technical rigor than
short papers.
Papers should be formatted using the
templates, and, including figures and references, should not exceed the
page limit. Submission of papers in PDF (preferred) and/or Postscript
format will be accepted at the PASTE submission page
starting on May 11.
Submissions must be received on or before June 1, 2005.
Final camera-ready versions must be received (at the at the PASTE submission page)
on or before August 15, 2005.
In order to foster interaction between workshop participants
PASTE sessions are scheduled with extra
time to allow for discussion. Keynote sessions will have
30 minutes for questions and discussion following the 50 minute
keynote presentations. Regular technical paper sessions will have
an additional 20 minutes for discussion over and above the
5 minutes allocated for each of the 25 minute presentations
in the session. Session chairs will decide how best to use
the extra minutes in each of the sessions.
Monday, September 5, 2005
8:00-9:00: Registration
9:00-10:30: Opening
- Keynote: PASTE at Microsoft
by Manuvir Das (Microsoft)
slides (PPT)
- An Empirical Framework for Comparing Effectiveness of Testing and
Property-Based Formal Analysis (short paper)
by Jeremy Scott Bradbury,
James Cordy, and Juergen Dingel (Queen's University)
slides (PDF)
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30: Static analysis
- Evaluating The Impact of Context-Sensitivity on Andersen's Algorithm for
Java Programs
by Donglin Liang (University of Minnesota),
Maikel Pennings, and Mary Jean Harrold (Georgia Tech)
slides (PDF)
- Evaluating and Tuning a Static Analysis to Find Null Pointer Bugs
David Hovemeyer, Jaime Spacco, and William Pugh (University of Maryland)
slides (PPT)
- Link-Time Static Analysis for Efficient Separate Compilation of
Object-Oriented Languages
by Jean Privat and Roland Ducournau (LIRMM)
slides (PDF)
12:30-14:30: Lunch
14:30-16:00: Monitoring and testing
- Low overhead program monitoring and profiling
Naveen Kumar, Bruce R. Childers (University of Pittsburgh), and
Mary Lou Soffa (University of Virginia)
slides (PPT)
- A Concept Analysis Inspired Greedy Algorithm for Test Suite Minimization
by Sriraman Tallam and Neelam Gupta (University of Arizona)
slides (PDF)
- MonDe: Safe Updating through Monitored Deployment of New
Component Versions (short paper)
by Johnathan Cook (New Mexico State
University) and Alessandro Orso (Georgia Tech)
slides (PDF)
16:00-16:30: Break
16:30-18:00: 5-minute madness
All workshop attendees are invited to share their wildest ideas (with each
person limited to no more than 5 minutes) in this thought-provoking and
entertaining session.
Tuesday, September 6, 2005
8:30-9:00: Registration
9:00-10:30: Security and state
- Keynote: Making Distributed Systems Secure with Program Analysis and Transformation
by Andrew Myers (Cornell University)
slides (PDF)
- Invariants and State in Testing and Formal Methods (short paper)
Dick Hamlet (Portland State University)
slides (PDF)
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30: Analysis frameworks
- Symbolic Path Simulation in Path-Sensitive Dataflow Analysis
by Hari
Hampapuram, Yue Yang, and Manuvir Das (Microsoft Corporation)
slides (PPT)
- SableSpMT: A Software Framework for Analysing Speculative
Multithreading in Java
by Christopher J. F. Pickett and
Clark Verbrugge (McGill University)
slides (PDF)
Representation-Independent Program Analysis
Michelle Mills Strout (Argonne National Laboratory),
John Mellor-Crummey (Rice University), and
Paul Hovland (Argonne National Laboratory)
slides (PDF)
12:30-14:30: Lunch
14:30-16:00: Low-level code
LANCET: A Nifty Code Editing Tool
Ludo Van Put,
Bjorn De Sutter,
Matias Madou,
Bruno De Bus,
Dominique Chanet,
Kristof Smits, and
Koen De Bosschere (Ghent University)
slides (PDF)
- Weakest-Precondition of Unstructured Programs
Mike Barnett and
Rustan Leino (Microsoft Research)
slides (PPT)
- String Analysis for x86 Binaries
Mihai Christodorescu,
Wen-Han Goh, and
Nicholas Kidd (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
slides (PDF)
16:00-16:30: Break
16:30-18:00: Reverse engineering and symbolic execution
- Static Control-Flow Analysis for Reverse Engineering of UML Sequence
by Atanas Rountev (Ohio State University), Olga Volgin
(University of Michigan), and Miriam Reddoch (Hewlett Packard)
slides (PPT)
- Generalizing Symbolic Execution to Library Classes
by Yuk Lai Suen and
Sarfraz Khurshid (University of Texas at Austin)
slides (PDF)
- Automatically Generating Refactorings to Support API Evolution (short
by Jeff Perkins (MIT)
slides (PDF)
Registration for PASTE 2005 should be made through the registration
form on the ESEC/FSE 2005
registration site.
Registration can also be made on-site.
ACM has two applicable programs to support students at conferences:
Anindya Banerjee,
Kansas State University
Perry Cheng,
IBM Research
Michael Ernst (co-chair)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
David Evans,
University of Virginia
Thomas Jensen (co-chair),
Todd Millstein,
University of California at Los Angeles
Andy Podgurski,
Case Western Reserve University
Erik Poll,
Raboud University Nijmegen
Barbara Ryder,
Rutgers University
Andreas Zeller,
Saarland University
PASTE 1998 at PLDI 1998
PASTE 1999 at
2001 at PLDI 2001
PASTE 2002 at FSE 2002
PASTE 2004 at PLDI 2004
PASTE 2005 at ESEC/FSE 2005
PASTE is held every 18 months, alternating between the PLDI and FSE
conferences. PASTE 2007
will be co-located with PLDI 2007.
PASTE 2005 thanks
Research for its financial support.
Questions about PASTE?
Comments/suggestions for this website?
Website last updated: March 29, 2016