PASTE 2005

Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering

Co-located with ESEC/FSE 2005
September 5-6, 2005
Lisbon, Portugal


Supported by:

Microsoft Research


Important dates

May 11 Submissions open
June 1 Firm deadline for submissions   (23:59, Apia, Samoa time)
June 27 Notification of acceptance
July 1 Early registration deadline (with hotel guarantee)
July 31 Early registration deadline (with best-effort hotel accommodations)
August 15   Final camera-ready version of papers due
Sept. 5-6   PASTE 2005 in Lisbon, Portugal

Call for papers

(Plain text (ASCII) call for papers.)
(Plain text (ASCII) call for participation.)

PASTE 2005 is the sixth workshop in a series that brings together the program analysis, software tools, and software engineering communities to focus on applications of program analysis techniques in software tools. PASTE 2005 will provide a forum for the presentation of exciting research, empirical results, and new directions in areas including (but not limited to):

PASTE 2005, co-located with ESEC/FSE, will be a true workshop, with a duration of 2 days. In addition to presentations of refereed papers, there will be invited talks, organized discussions on areas of widespread interest, an opportunity for all attendees to make a short (five minute) presentation of their work or other topics, and ample time for general discussion and debate.

Attendance is open to all interested parties, although enrollment will be capped to encourage discussions and interaction. Students are encouraged to attend and may apply for support from ACM. A proceedings of invited and regular papers will be published by ACM.

We are soliciting papers in two distinct categories:

Short papers (3 page limit)
Short papers that discuss controversial issues in the field, or describe interesting or thought-provoking ideas that are not yet fully developed.
Long papers (6 page limit)
Research papers that describe ongoing research or new results.

The program committee will aim to select a program containing a mix of the best submitted papers in each of these categories, with a primary aim of encouraging productive discussion and inspiring new research. Long papers will be expected to have a somewhat higher degree of technical rigor than short papers.

Papers should be formatted using the ACM SIG templates, and, including figures and references, should not exceed the page limit. Submission of papers in PDF (preferred) and/or Postscript format will be accepted at the PASTE submission page starting on May 11. Submissions must be received on or before June 1, 2005.

Final camera-ready versions must be received (at the at the PASTE submission page) on or before August 15, 2005.


In order to foster interaction between workshop participants PASTE sessions are scheduled with extra time to allow for discussion. Keynote sessions will have 30 minutes for questions and discussion following the 50 minute keynote presentations. Regular technical paper sessions will have an additional 20 minutes for discussion over and above the 5 minutes allocated for each of the 25 minute presentations in the session. Session chairs will decide how best to use the extra minutes in each of the sessions.

Monday, September 5, 2005

8:00-9:00: Registration
9:00-10:30: Opening
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30: Static analysis
12:30-14:30: Lunch
14:30-16:00: Monitoring and testing
16:00-16:30: Break
16:30-18:00: 5-minute madness
All workshop attendees are invited to share their wildest ideas (with each person limited to no more than 5 minutes) in this thought-provoking and entertaining session.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

8:30-9:00: Registration
9:00-10:30: Security and state
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30: Analysis frameworks
12:30-14:30: Lunch
14:30-16:00: Low-level code
16:00-16:30: Break
16:30-18:00: Reverse engineering and symbolic execution


Registration for PASTE 2005 should be made through the registration form on the ESEC/FSE 2005 registration site. Registration can also be made on-site.

ACM has two applicable programs to support students at conferences: SIGSOFT CAPS, SIGPLAN PAC.

Program committee

Anindya Banerjee, Kansas State University
Perry Cheng, IBM Research
Michael Ernst (co-chair) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
David Evans, University of Virginia
Thomas Jensen (co-chair), IRISA/CNRS
Todd Millstein, University of California at Los Angeles
Andy Podgurski, Case Western Reserve University
Erik Poll, Raboud University Nijmegen
Barbara Ryder, Rutgers University
Andreas Zeller, Saarland University

Previous PASTE workshops

PASTE 1998 at PLDI 1998
PASTE 1999 at ESEC/FSE 1999
PASTE 2001 at PLDI 2001
PASTE 2002 at FSE 2002
PASTE 2004 at PLDI 2004
PASTE 2005 at ESEC/FSE 2005

PASTE is held every 18 months, alternating between the PLDI and FSE conferences. PASTE 2007 will be co-located with PLDI 2007.


PASTE 2005 thanks Microsoft Research for its financial support.

Microsoft Research

Questions about PASTE? Comments/suggestions for this website? Email or

Website last updated: March 29, 2016