Toward a dependability case language and workflow for a radiation therapy system

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“Toward a dependability case language and workflow for a radiation therapy system” by Michael D. Ernst, Dan Grossman, Jon Jacky, Calvin Loncaric, Stuart Pernsteiner, Zachary Tatlock, Emina Torlak, and Xi Wang. In SNAPL 2015: the Inaugural Summit oN Advances in Programming Languages, (Asilomar, CA, USA), May 2015, pp. 103-112.


We present a near-future research agenda for bringing a suite of modern programming-languages verification tools — specifically interactive theorem proving, solver-aided languages, and formally defined domain-specific languages — to the development of a specific safety-critical system, a radiotherapy medical device. We sketch how we believe recent programming-languages research advances can merge with existing best practices for safety-critical systems to increase system assurance and developer productivity. We motivate hypotheses central to our agenda: That we should start with a single specific system and that we need to integrate a variety of complementary verification and synthesis tools into system development.

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BibTeX entry:

   author = {Michael D. Ernst and Dan Grossman and Jon Jacky and Calvin
	Loncaric and Stuart Pernsteiner and Zachary Tatlock and Emina
	Torlak and Xi Wang},
   title = {Toward a dependability case language and workflow for a
	radiation therapy system},
   booktitle = {SNAPL 2015: the Inaugural Summit oN Advances in
	Programming Languages},
   pages = {103--112},
   address = {Asilomar, CA, USA},
   month = may,
   year = {2015}

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