
CLIP meets Model Zoo Experts: Pseudo-Supervision for Visual Enhancement

Mohammadreza Salehi, Mehrdad Farajtabar, Maxwell Horton, Fartash Faghri, Hadi Pouransari, Raviteja Vemulapalli, Oncel Tuzel, Ali Farhadi, Mohammad Rastegari, Sachin Mehta

UniReps Workshop at NeurIPS'23

TL;DR We showed how one can merge any task-specific expert model from open-source model zoos into foundation models (FMs) such as CLIP. This enhances the visual features of FM for dense prediction and localization tasks without collecting any supervised data.

SHARCS: Efficient Transformers through Routing with Dynamic Width Sub-networks

Mohammadreza Salehi, Sachin Mehta, Aditya Kusupati, Ali Farhadi, Hannaneh Hajishirzi.

EMNLP'23 Findings

TL;DR We introduced a new sample adaptive inference method called SHARCS🦈. It routes samples to different sub-networks with varying widths within any transformer network based on the hardness of input sample.

Attentional Mixtures of Soft Prompt Tuning for Parameter-efficient Multi-task Knowledge Sharing

Akari Asai, Mohammadreza Salehi, Matthew E. Peters, Hannaneh Hajishirzi.


TL;DR We introduced a new parameter-efficient fine-tuning method based on prompt tuning. In our method, prompts for some source tasks are learnt and for each sample in a new target task an attentional mixture of source prompts is used as the target prompt.

MERLOT Reserve: Multimodal Neural Script Knowledge through Vision and Language and Sound

Rowan Zellers, Jiasen Lu, Ximing Lu, Youngjae Yu, Yanpeng Zhao, Mohammadreza Salehi, Aditya Kusupati, Jack Hessel, Ali Farhadi, Yejin Choi.


TL;DR We introduced MERLOT Reserve, which learns from 20 million YouTube videos through all their modalities (audio, vision, and text). Learning from audio helps broadly -- even on single-image tasks like VCR. Our model learns state-of-the-art representations, that also transfer well to video-based tasks in a zero-shot setting.

Paraphrase Generation by Learning How to Edit from Samples

Amirhossein Kazemnejad, Mohammadreza Salehi, Aditya Kusupati, Mahdieh Soleymani Baghshah.


TL;DR Paraphrase generation by retrieving similar paraphrase pairs from a pre-existing corpus and editing them using multi-head attention mechanism.