Advanced Topics in Software Systems (CSEP 504/Fall 2022)
Mon 6:30pm--9:20pmRoom
CSE2 G10Instructor
René Just- rjust(at)cs.washington.edu
- Office: CSE2 338
- Office hours: After class and by appointment
Teaching Assistant
Hannah Potter- hkpotter(at)cs.washington.edu
- Office: TBD
- Office hours: by appointment
Course description
This course focuses on the principles of dynamic and static program analysis, emphasizing state-of-the-art approaches to effective software testing and debugging. In-class activities aligned with the topics of this course provide a hands-on experience.Course format
The class meets once a week in-person. Recordings and materials are made available online, and lectures are enhanced with assigned readings, in-class activities, and in-class exercises.Grading
Grades will be based on homeworks, two-part in-class exercises, and participation:- 20%: Homeworks
- 70%: In-class exercise exercises
- 10%: Participation
Late policy
Assignments must be submitted on Canvas by the due date and time. Unless otherwise noted, all times are given in PDT (Pacific Time). The submission site remains open for 48 hours after the deadline. Assignments submitted within 24 hours after the deadline will incur a 10% penalty; assignments submitted within 24 to 48 hours will incur a 20% penalty. Assignments will not be accepted after the submission site is closed.You can find the general course policies here.