On the Applicability of Language Models to Block-Based Programs
“On the Applicability of Language Models to Block-Based Programs” by Elisabeth Griebl, Benedikt Fein, Florian Obermüller, Gordon Fraser, and René Just. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), May 14-20 2023, pp. 2374-2386.
BibTeX entry:
@inproceedings{GrieblFOFJ2023, author = {Elisabeth Griebl and Benedikt Fein and Florian Oberm{\"u}ller and Gordon Fraser and Ren{\'e} Just}, title = {On the Applicability of Language Models to Block-Based Programs}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)}, pages = {2374--2386}, month = {May~14--20}, year = {2023} }
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