Prioritizing Mutants to Guide Mutation Testing
Major mutation framework.
“Prioritizing Mutants to Guide Mutation Testing” by Samuel J. Kaufman, Ryan Featherman, Justin Alvin, Bob Kurtz, Paul Ammann, and René Just. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), May 25-27 2022, pp. 1743-1754.
BibTeX entry:
@inproceedings{KaufmanFAKAJ2022, author = {Samuel J. Kaufman and Ryan Featherman and Justin Alvin and Bob Kurtz and Paul Ammann and Ren{\'e} Just}, title = {Prioritizing Mutants to Guide Mutation Testing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)}, pages = {1743--1754}, month = {May~25--27}, year = {2022} }
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