Benjamin Groves*, Arjun Khakhar*, Cory Nadel, Richard Gardner, and Georg Seelig,
Rewiring MAP kinases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to regulate novel targets through ubiquitination, eLife, DOI: (2016).
Scott E. Boyken, Zibo Chen, Ben Groves, Robert A. Langan, Gustav Oberdorfer, Alex Ford, Jason Gilmore,
Chunfu Xu, Frank DiMaio, Jose Henrique Pereira, Banumathi Sankaran, Georg Seelig, Peter H. Zwart, and David Baker,
De novo design of protein homo-oligomers with modular hydrogen bond network mediated
specificity, Science 352, 680 (2016).
Christoph Zechner, Georg Seelig, Marc Rullan, and Mustafa Khammash,
Molecular circuits
for dynamic noise filtering, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1517109113 (2016).
Sergii Pochekailov, Rebecca Black, Venkata Chavali, Arjun Khakhar, and Georg Seelig,
A fluorescent readout
for the oxidation state of electron transporting proteins in cell free settings,
ACS Synthetic Biology, doi: 10.1021/acssynbio.5b00274 (2016).
Sherry Xi Chen and Georg Seelig,
An Engineered Kinetic Amplification
Mechanism for Single Nucleotide Variant Discrimination,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b00277 (2016).
James Bornholt, Randolph Lopez, Douglas M. Carmean, Luis Ceze, Georg Seelig, and Karin Strauss,
A DNA-Based Archival Storage System, ASPLOS (2016).
Benjamin Groves*, Yuan-Jyue Chen*, Chiara Zurla*, Sergii Pochekailov, Jonathan L. Kirschman, Philip Santangelo and Georg Seelig,
Computing in mammalian cells with nucleic acid strand exchange,
Nature Nanotechnology, doi:10.1038/nnano.2015.278 (2015).
Yuan-Jyue Chen, Sundipta Rao and Georg Seelig,
Plasmid-derived DNA Strand Displacement Gates for Implementing Chemical Reaction Networks,
J. Vis. Exp. (105), e53087, doi:10.3791/53087 (2015).
Alexander B. Rosenberg, Rupali Pathwardhan, Jay Shendure, and Georg Seelig,
Learning the Sequence Determinants of Alternative Splicing from Millions of Random Sequences,
Cell 163, 698 (2015).
Yuan-Jyue Chen, Benjamin Groves, Richard Muscat and Georg Seelig,
DNA nanotechnology from the test tube to the cell (review),
Nature Nanotechnology 10, 748 (2015).
Neil Dalchau, Georg Seelig and Andrew Phillips,
Computational design of
reaction-diffusion patterns using DNA-based chemical reaction networks,
International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (2014).
Timothy J. Strovas, Alexander B. Rosenberg, Richard A. Muscat, Brianna E. Kuypers and Georg Seelig,
A microRNA-based single-gene circuit buffers protein
synthesis rates against perturbations,
ACS Synthetic Biology 3, 324 (2014).
Yuan-Jyue Chen, Neil Dalchau, Niranjan Srinivas, Andrew Phillips, Luca Cardelli, David Soloveichik and Georg Seelig,
Programmable chemical controllers made from DNA,
Nature Nanotechnology 8, 755 (2013).
Xi Sherry Chen, David Yu Zhang and Georg Seelig,
Conditionally fluorescent molecular probes for detecting single base changes in double-stranded DNA,
Nature Chemistry 5, 782 (2013).
Richard A. Muscat, Karin Strauss, Luis Ceze and Georg Seelig, DNA-based Molecular Architecture with Spatially Localized Components, ISCA (2013).
David Yu Zhang and Georg Seelig, Dynamic DNA nanotechnology using strand displacement reactions (review),
Nature Chemistry 3, 103 (2011).
David Yu Zhang and Georg Seelig, DNA-based Fixed Gain Amplifiers and Linear Classifier
Circuits, DNA 16 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6518, 176 (2011).
David Soloveichik, Georg Seelig, and Erik Winfree, DNA as a Universal Substrate for Chemical Kinetics,
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 107, 5393 (2010); Supplementary information.
David Soloveichik, Georg Seelig, and Erik Winfree, DNA as a Universal Substrate for Chemical Kinetics (Extended Abstract),
DNA 14 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5347, 57 (2009).
Georg Seelig and David Soloveichik, Time-Complexity of Multilayered DNA Strand Displacement Circuits , DNA 15 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5877, 144 (2009).
Georg Seelig, David Soloveichik, David Yu Zhang and Erik Winfree, Enzyme-Free Nucleic Acid Logic Circuits, Science 324, 1585 (2006); also see W. Fontana, Pulling strings, p. 1552 of the same issue. (4 page pdf, 248KB)
Georg Seelig, Bernard Yurke and Erik Winfree, Catalyzed Relaxation of a Metastable DNA Fuel, J. Am Chem. Soc. 128, 12211 (2006). (10 page pdf, 1.4MB)
Georg Seelig, Bernard Yurke and Erik Winfree, DNA hybridization catalysts and catalyst circuits, Lecture Notes In Computer Science 3384, 329 (2005).
Previous work in condensed matter physics
Georg Seelig, A. V. Andreev, and K. A. Matveev, Phonon resistance of electron liquids in quantum wires, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 066802 (2005).
Georg Seelig, Sebastian Pilgram, and Markus Büttiker, Decoherence in ballistic mesoscopic interferometers, Turk. J. Phys. 27, 331 (2003).
G. Seelig, S. Pilgram, A. N. Jordan, and M. Büttiker, Probe configuration dependent de-phasing in a mesoscopic interferometer, Phys. Rev. B. 68, (R)161310 (2003).
Georg Seelig and K. A. Matveev, Electron-phonon scattering in quantum point contacts, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 176804, (2003).
Karyn Le Hur and Georg Seelig, Capacitance of a quantum dot from the channel-anisotropic two-channel Kondo model, Phys. Rev. B. 65, 165338 (2002).
Georg Seelig and Markus Büttiker, Charge-fluctuation-induced dephasing in a gated mesoscopic interferometer, Phys. Rev. B 64, 245313 (2001).
Guido Burkard, Georg Seelig and Daniel Loss, Spin interactions and switching in vertically tunnel-coupled quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 62, 2581 (2000).

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