I am fortunate to have worked with an amazing set of students and postdocs.
Current: [Ordered, roughly, by seniority]
Interested in Working with me? PhD: I am always interested in recruiting strong PhD students. Usually, I look for students that have at least one of the following characteristics: (1) strong theory background, and desire to apply it to cryptography; (2) background on provable security and/or the foundations of cryptography; (3) interests at the intersection of systems, security, and cryptography. I also have a genuine interest in co-advising students working at the intersection of cryptography and other areas. If you are already a UW student, and interested in collaborating, do reach out. If you are not at UW, apply to our graduate program. (Also, feel free to reach out to see whether our interests align, but understand that I am not always able to respond to all e-mails from prospective students.)
Interns: I typically only consider internships/visits if there is a strong technical match, and as long as: (1) we can work the funding situation out and (2) I have sufficient bandwidth.