ICRA 2019 Video Supplementary Material
This video explains the intuitions behind RMP and a RMP
model designed for an Ackermann steering vehicle. It
compares RMP with direct prediction of laser scan and
control command in the Gibson simulation
environment. Finally it demonstrates real-world navigation
and obstacle avoidance behavior.
A Complete Navigation Trace This video
shows a complete navigation trace using our neural RMP
model. The input to the model is a 224x224 color image
shown in the top right corner. A simple A* planner
provides waypoints (shown as blue circle). Note that the
planner only provides a greedy path so naively following
it would cause collisions. Our neural RMP model takes the
surrounding obstacles into consideration and hence only
uses the waypoint as a hint and does not follow it
blindly. The control commands (velocity and steering
angle) are computed from the kinematic model of the
vehicle. Though not shown here, our neural RMP model can
naturally handle dynamic obstacles observed by the camera
as shown in the first video.