Yifan Wang

I am a research scientist at Meta Reality Labs Research. I received my PhD from the University of Washington in 2024 where I was advised by Brian Curless and Steve Seitz. Before the PhD, I received my B.S. in Computer Science from ShanghaiTech University as its first class of bachelor's students.

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Infinite Texture: Text-guided High Resolution Diffusion Texture Synthesis
arXiv 2024 Paper arXiv
SunStage: Portrait Reconstruction and Relighting using the Sun as a Light Stage
Repopulating Street Scenes
DynOcc: Learning Single-View Depth from Dynamic Occlusion Cues
3DV 2020 Paper
People as Scene Probes
Yifan Wang, Brian Curless, Steve Seitz
Dual Principal Component Pursuit: Improved Analysis and Efficient Algorithms
NeurIPS 2018 Paper arXiv
Learning to Parse Wireframes in Images of Man-Made Environments
Kun Huang, Yifan Wang, Zihan Zhou, Tianjiao Ding, Shenghua Gao, Yi Ma
CVPR 2018 Paper arXiv Code
MarrNet: 3D Shape Reconstruction via 2.5D Sketches
NeurIPS 2017 Paper arXiv Code Project Page