the Poison Elves Concordance (N)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z *

Neil Clarkston
see Dr. Neil Clarkston (3).

Nicholas Lowengard
proper name of the Nick (5).

the Nick
a Dallin. The Nick befriended Lusiphur in Sarnwog and took him under his wing for crime (5). Currently enjoying his retirement on the Island of Kiwianni Ki (18).

a sorceress cross between a Demon and a Unicorn. A black, winged Horse that breathes fire, bleeds acid, and is reputed to be the meanest beast on four legs (15).

Nith Mountain
a mountain in the northern Samwahawns where a group of monks did their final bit of reasoning (19).

another type of twisted Elves (8).

Mr. Moto's hometown, a long way from Mandratha (3).

the North
bars are reputed to be dumps there (2).

the Northeast
the last holdout of the Trolls in the Dark Wars (9).

the Northwest
Lusiphur considers going there to escape the craziness in his life (6).

the cry of the Purple Marauder (4).

twisted versions of Elves which guard the waters (8).