There exists a growing market for structured data on the Internet today, motivating a theoretical study of how relational data should be priced. We advocate for a framework where the seller defines a pricing scheme by stipulating the price of some queries and allowing the buyer to purchase data expressed by any query they wish; the system will derive the price automatically from the pricing scheme. In this project, we explore query determinancy as a basis for pricing and build systems to manage price-equipped data.
More generally, the centralization afforded by cloud computing is spurring new the creation of new digital markets for data and associated services. The database community has an opportunity to set the trajectory of research and practice for these markets. In our work project, we explored some of the key challenges that such markets face and discuss the associated research problems that our community can help solve.
My interest in particular is to explore the value of data in science and link this value to attribution, scientometrics, and resource allocation for taxpayer-funded science.
Leads: Dan Suciu, Magda Balazinska, Bill Howe
@article{koutris2015query, title = {Query-based data pricing}, author = {Koutris, Paraschos and Upadhyaya, Prasang and Balazinska, Magdalena and Howe, Bill and Suciu, Dan}, journal = {Journal of the ACM (JACM)}, volume = {62}, number = {5}, pages = {43}, year = {2015}, publisher = {ACM} }
@inproceedings{koutris2013toward, title = {Toward practical query pricing with QueryMarket}, author = {Koutris, Paraschos and Upadhyaya, Prasang and Balazinska, Magdalena and Howe, Bill and Suciu, Dan}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data}, pages = {613--624}, year = {2013}, organization = {ACM} }
@incollection{balazinska2013discussion, title = {A discussion on pricing relational data}, author = {Balazinska, Magdalena and Howe, Bill and Koutris, Paraschos and Suciu, Dan and Upadhyaya, Prasang}, booktitle = {In Search of Elegance in the Theory and Practice of Computation}, pages = {167--173}, year = {2013}, publisher = {Springer} }
@inproceedings{koutris2012query, title = {Query-based data pricing}, author = {Koutris, Parachos and Upadhyaya, Prasang and Balazinska, Magdalena and Howe, Bill and Suciu, Dan}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS)}, year = {2012} }
@article{koutris2012querymarket, title = {QueryMarket demonstration: Pricing for online data markets}, author = {Koutris, Paraschos and Upadhyaya, Prasang and Balazinska, Magdalena and Howe, Bill and Suciu, Dan}, journal = {Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment}, volume = {5}, number = {12}, pages = {1962--1965}, year = {2012}, publisher = {VLDB Endowment} }