You must submit camera-ready hardcopy for the IR '95 workshop, and a signed ACM copyright form, by January 9, 1995. You may submit portable PostScript (formatted for printing on U.S. lettersize paper) of your paper instead, but the signed copyright form must be received by January 9, 1995. If you miss the deadline, your paper may not be included in the workshop. Send your camera-ready copy to:
Michael Ernst
Microsoft Research
1 Microsoft Way, 9S/1054
Redmond, WA 98052
telephone: +1 206 936 2272
The proceedings format is 9 to 11 point text on U.S. lettersize pages (8.5 by 11 inches) with side and top margins of .75 inch and bottom margin of 1.25 inch, or text area with height 9 inches and width 7 inches. Two-column papers should have a gutter width of 1/3 inch. Pages should be unnumbered, and the first page should contain the ACM copyright notice. Authors using LaTeX can use the acmconf.sty style or acmconf.cls document class.
The base page limit is 12 pages. Authors may buy additional pages up to 15 for $100/page. [No charge for the first 12 pages, no possibility for more than 15.]
Camera-ready copy should be produced on a reasonably high-quality (300 dpi or better) printer, typically from .dvi, .ps, or similar source. Facsimile is not acceptable for final camera-ready copy.
Proceedings will be distributed at the workshop. It is also possible that they will be reissued shortly after the workshop. If that happens, authors will have a chance to quickly revise their papers after the workshop to account for feedback received there.
Also see the suggestions for workshop presentations.
Michael Ernst