Collaborative verification of information flow for a high-assurance app store
SPARTA toolset.
“Collaborative verification of information flow for a high-assurance app store” by Michael D. Ernst, René Just, Suzanne Millstein, Werner M. Dietl, Stuart Pernsteiner, Franziska Roesner, Karl Koscher, Paulo Barros, Ravi Bhoraskar, Seungyeop Han, Paul Vines, and Edward X. Wu. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), (Scottsdale, AZ, USA), November 4-6 2014, pp. 1092-1104.
BibTeX entry:
@inproceedings{ErnstJMDPRKBBHVW2014b, author = {Michael D. Ernst and Ren{\'e} Just and Suzanne Millstein and Werner M. Dietl and Stuart Pernsteiner and Franziska Roesner and Karl Koscher and Paulo Barros and Ravi Bhoraskar and Seungyeop Han and Paul Vines and Edward X. Wu}, title = {Collaborative verification of information flow for a high-assurance app store}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)}, pages = {1092--1104}, address = {Scottsdale, AZ, USA}, month = {November~4--6}, year = {2014} }
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